a rabbit's opinion

I’ve heard a friend’s grandma brag about grampa having the “world’s #1 dick” over Xmas dinner once.

That’s a shame. Maybe the movie would have done better. LOL

Not a terribly helpful suggestion if someone is buying not a Tesla.

Hey, if people are going to see you walk by and say, “There goes Robin...” you want them to finish that with “...I hear he has a big dick.”

I remember meeting Burt Ward at work one evening. I remember making him happy because I recognized him before Adam West, who was in the same vehicle. “Haha, he recognized me first Adam!”

Milking his story? One shape and size or another? I agree, continually raising this seems rather masturbatory

This guy’s really been milking his half-century old fame over this story for all its worth. It’s been making the rounds on the internets for years and years by now in one shape and size or another.

And the loss of such regulations in, for instance our food, and the rise in listeria outbreaks and massive recalls, is no coincidence. Reaping what you sow, and all that. Thanks Republicans!

Human predators can sniff out vulnerabilities at the same distance as sharks with blood.

True but generally those products are as harmless as they are useless. And if one is found to be dangerous we do a decent job of pulling it from the market or at least age restricting it.

I know this sounds too hyperbolic taken on its face, but I do think it’s something that should be said and considered: to some extent, organisations like Jezebel are continuing, and furthering, the abuse that people have suffered when they insist to us that they are notable first and foremost for their victimhood.

A lot of them do without rigorous testing, just gotta look in any health food store or homeopathic aisle. 

When people complain about “over-regulation” on medicine and other products in the US and question why it exists, this is why right here. Because if we didn’t regulate it, this shit would happen all the time because companies would just put whatever they want in their products.

Oh, I agree. I’m just saying, this is not about Spacey and ir sucks that this poor man’s life and death is being reduced to that. 

My heart breaks for people who take their own lives. That level of despair, it’s overwhelming, I imagine. The pain. So, so sad. 

A drumstick of ones own is a beautiful thing

My daughter brings a smoked turkey from Whole Foods and the family is content.

I’m a big fan of the dark meat from turkey. So much better than the breast. I feel like it is so much more delicious that I should be needing to negotiate to get more than a tiny piece. But my family shares the typical American preference for white meat, so I typically end up with a drumstick pretty much to myself.

nothing because I do it for the attention

Your shameless shilling for Big MSG is really getting out of hand here. How much is Accent paying you anyhow?!?!?