a rabbit's opinion

Many churches have turned Jesus basically into an all powerful money hoarder.

Oh trust me I know. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been insulted, attacked, or harassed for not falling over myself to be polite to “liberal” Christians who refuse to police their own community and refuse to even listen to me talk about my experiences at the hands of (almost entirely white) Christians. If

Yeah, I am absolutely floored, though I shouldn’t be. Jesus was a radical who was very outspoken about standing up for justice and love and protecting the marginalized. These people had an opportunity to do that just by association and by supporting this pastor, and they rebuked him instead. It’s always a shame to

Making white people feel uncomfortable is a far worse crime than anything white people have ever done. So remember, if you’re going to protest the things white people continue to do, do it somewhere where white people aren’t affected by it or can’t see it. Also don’t talk about it.

What an amazing open and blatant stance that church just gave: “Are you telling me that you went on national TV and spoke out against racism and hatred? I’m sorry, but we just cannot have that type of thinking or action in the church.”

So I know I’m supposed to “understand” white Christians, because they’re the default and all of society is forced to be familiar with their terminology and views and what they consider normative. But sometimes, I swear, even being white I can’t wrap my head around their thinking and behavior. I grasp their

And here is some more veterans in support of what he is doing.

Both my parents served in the military. My father is literal war hero. Neither feels disrespected by Kaepernick’s actions, and both agree with his cause. They are also both POC who have been unfairly discriminated against by police at some point in their lives despite living a very straightlaced (and absurdly strict)

in other words we can take your being a narrow-minded asshole at face value

gonna be super chill for your friendship when you send him the link and he sees this comment and immediately puts two and two together (and then insists on caressing all four)

Teeth Harvey got some black ass nerve. His ass should know more than anyone what happens when you sell your birthright for a bowl of stew. This nigga really is a sellout. What did he think was going to happen as a result of embracing the Cheeto in Chief? Did he expect a free membership to Mar A Lago? Was he hoping to

Was in a 4 year relationship with a great guy. It has taken me the six months we have been apart to realize that since he was married for 20 years and had like 2 partners before that, he really did think his bedroom skilz were the shit. To the point that when I didn’t like how he touched me he would let me know ALL of

See...this right here is what I need. Disrespectful to Don the Con?

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Well, fuck Donald Trump, and fuck Steve Harvey for cozying up to him, and fuck Steve Harvey for caping for Bill Cosby too, but I mean, kind of fuck Steve Harvey anyway, right ?

Well Trump is a sexual predator too.

In the “flipper” spatula category, I have to have both metal and nonstick, given that I use both metal and nonstick for different things. I have fish spatulas, but honestly prefer a wider, solid metal number for a lot of the tasks associated with my griddle (pancakes or smashing burgers), like this (although mine is

Just make sure the fish turner is in an easy to find place so that any visiting friends or in-laws can be sure to use it on your non-stick.

I cannot disagree with these choices. Although, as far as the wooden one goes, I prefer one that’s half square and half rounded because...stir fry...in a wok.

I like how much making this cookie sounds like defusing a bomb.