a rabbit's opinion

she’s just too sexy for this job.

Turns out one of my favourite t-shirts that I’ve been enjoying wearing for years is seriously see-through with even a modicum of bright light.

It would never fly in any other area.

They should, but some people live in places with at-will employment laws. If your dress code costs the company something, anything... well, HR might be called Human Resources, but they’re there for the company, not the humans.

If HR fires someone out of the blue without talking to them first about the dress code and giving them a chance to fix it, that’s just fucked up...

What?? Come on, people! As a woman, if I were told my “blouse is too tight” in the office I’d be mortified- and never wear tight blouses again. We have dress codes for a reason- and if it distracts coworkers, sexually or otherwise, it need be addressed. I don’t care if it’s “their issue” or not, it still remains *an

It’s super weird to use a euphemism when writing anonymously to an advice column. Say what you mean. It makes me not trust Mr. Dress Code’s judgment at all.

the guys’ anger at being told to mind their own business.

This is bringing back memories of being told by male coworkers my blouses were too tight. Having to have uncomfortable talks with hr and the guys’ anger at being told to mind their own business.

I’m one of the people who expressed thorough agreement with Patrick. But I also thoroughly agree with you. The employees reflect on an organization and there’s such a thing as “inappropriate to the occasion.” And as the manager, it is indeed your responsibility to handle the matter. It is not Underbutt’s officemate’s

Ding ding ding.

Unless she’s showing up in heels and an evening gown to dig holes at a construction site, WTF is dressing up too nicely in an inappropriate manner? I get some places are super casual because I’ve worked at a lot of them but some people always dress up a little nicer than others because that’s their preference in life.

second this... straight to HR

My boss once spoke to a young team member of ours about her attire. She had worn a strappy blouse with bra straps peeking out to a formal meeting. Boss very clearly made the message about visible underwear being inappropriate in an office setting (whether a bra or boxers). “Dressing too nicely” is really vague, and I

I bet it would... if you had a bag large enough to fit your whole body in.

that would literally be the opposite of any advice that jezebel would give on this situation...believe it or not feminists know quite a bit about the risks of repercussion in this sort of environment, given that the only reason that we live in a society that acknowledges that this behavior is inappropriate is, guess

You post like you are writing a memo for Google.

Uh, I’ve been reading Jez for years and never once has anyone advocates publicly confronting someone like that. I feel like there’s a lot of misconceptions around the discussions over there?

Nothing wrong with saying it in front of a witness(es).

“I’d do anything... *anything*... to pass this course.”