a rabbit's opinion

Isn’t responding to hate and violence just called self-defense?

Cracks me up when a troll like SeanG is trying to get out of the greys. Sorry son, not gonna happen.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

I do feel bad for actual small businesses that struggle with this, BUT:

The other possibility, of course, if they feel that demand is too inelastic to raise menu prices, is to allow profits to decline slightly. The owner is a billionaire. He can afford it.

Exactly. I’ve been in various degrees of management in the industry for 14 years, and it’s not the first time this has happened. At the last restaurant I managed, corporate just jacked up the prices across the board by 50 cents, and barely anyone noticed. The Oceanaire isn’t exactly Dennys.

It also seems to imply that he was paying people the absolute minimum he could, if it’s actually driving his labor up.

Hey, it’s a proven scientific anecdote that if you give a poor working person more money they won’t spend it, they will just horde it or use it to invest in bitcoin. That’s the problem with poor people. They save all their money instead of giving it to rich people.

i know, right? Compared to the other costs of running a restaurant, the minimum you’re legally allowed to pay people to work for you is incredibly consistent.

I expected government to be drowned in a bathtub by now. I expected to be paying 2 dollars a day in company scrip to debt peons, with a line out the door to take their place, by now.

Does he also add “surcharges” whenever the price of fish changes? Labor isn’t some unfair expense, it’s an expected cost of doing business.

The problem with your question is the assumption that normal locks are secure. They aren’t or at least generally aren’t, and the average household doorknob or dead bolt could be defeated with a bit of finesse and $3 worth of steel. Smart locks aren’t designed to be more secure than standard locks, they’re designed to

I’m not sure that this is a logical criticism. The attacker, or at least an associate still needs to be on-site in order to go in and do whatever nefarious thing that they breaking in for in the first place. Otherwise it is just an annoying prank.

In most cases on houses Locks keep honest people honest and nothing more.

I was very against smart locks up until last summer. Now we have two of them, both on outdoor entrances. I’m not saying everyone should be using them, but I was able to get OK with them. I’m not super security conscious - I’ve never had an alarm system of any kind - but when I was a teenager two guys watched me from

I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of letters to advice columns lately that follow a formula of “*Catastrophically blows up relationship* *Ex says to never contact them again* ... So how do I ignore that and contact them again repeatedly?”

when a 38 year old man says “leave me alone” should I just shut up and leave him alone?

“Where are you in Cleveland?”
“In...the...uh...north end.”
“You live in the middle of Lake Erie?”

He told her that he’s had lying exes and that this is not okay and wants to break it off. Is that somehow unreasonable?

Thank you for being honest, it’s like heartbroken in Seattle just wanted you to tell her it was sweet sams attitude. And being so “heart broken” how many fish did you swim by just to go on the one date with a man you lied to. He was right to tell you not to talk to him you lied to him about we’re you live. What about