a rabbit's opinion

Oh dear god! These stories give me nightmares. I’m coming up on my two year divorce. To put that in US Weekly terms, I left my husband around the same time that Gwen left Gavin. Dragging out the divorce is the last thing he has left to control and punish me. It’s been a nightmare. After the first year, I started

Rihanna is so brilliant and yet reserved. She is just delightful. I love her.

At first I just laughed at the way the blurb was worded, making it sound like the baby album of two children named Gleb and Eleyna(?) now I’m just wondering Gleb?! This is a name? Is it short for something or were his parents just that cruel they stuck him with an onomatopoedic squelch for a name? 

I actually laughed out loud at that whole “they haven’t moved the divorce forward for a few months, so they must be getting back together” logic. My sister is on her second baby with her new man, and still hasn’t gotten divorced from her no-good husband. My boss’s sister has been separated from her husband for 22

Laughing my ass off at #Dutyfree. But let’s not pretend like these producers are not out here watering down Caribbean people music and then trying to call it “tropical house”.

Yes. Michael K is delightful

PLEASE go read Monique Judge’s piece about this on The Root. It is fantastic.

I do for the posts you can tell are still written by Michael K. None of the people he hired to write for him are even half as funny.

He’s been using that tag line for years.

Re: D Listed and “birthday sluts”

RIP Raul!

Oh, Raul, you could have made so much of the current shitshow a little more bearable simply by existing. But no, you left us, just like reason.

I am so, so tired of the fat-bashing attendant to this whole Usher thing. It’s depressing as fuck, and it makes me mad as hell. Usher isn’t even good looking. I’m fat as hell, and have both dated and “dated” a bunch of guys much more attractive than that, and one nearly as rich.

I’ve accepted our fate. Why can’t you?

I loved By the Sea, it was so overwrought it was hilarious. And the voyerism was next level loony, totally made the movie. Loved it.

Yeah, especially with how everyone was up in arms when Angelina was talking about the split I have a feeling they are just trying to keep everything quiet at this point while the divorce lawyers divide the assets.

I could understand the notion of it being easy to complain from the sidelines and realising the job of leading isn’t what you think it is, but I think it’s closer to Trump venting the stuff he knows he is doing wrong. Since his ego can’t handle him realising he’s a narcissistic monster, he projects that guilt into

He has twitts for all occasions

I doubt Brad’s sobriety will last.