Does this mean I win free Farberware?
Does this mean I win free Farberware?
They signed releases?
Because they all want to be David Bowie.
I really want to keep liking Gaga. I adored her during her "Fame Monster" days. Behind the provoking exterior, she revealed an intelligent and thoughtful interior. Her music was quality fun that demonstrated a genuine musical talent. But the personal one-upsmanship is such a turn off. Maybe if her last two albums had…
Because then, since people would be paying attention to the songs, the songs would have to be good.
"Without so much as a "kiss my foot" or "have an apple!"
I friggin' love Birdemic. The fact that the guy who sells solar panels (and inexplicably mentions it about a hundred times in spite of the fact that it has no real impact on the plot) is completely incapable of pronouncing the words "solar panels" probably should have prompted a small script rewrite but nope, they…
Check out the trailer
so if Michael Bay would remake Birds, it would be simular to this
Is it me or is that not really a great picture of the butt we're supposed to think is a big deal?
Dat catsuit inspired by photoshop shadow brush, tho.
The problem with the "what's your excuse" tag line is that it pre-supposes that every one wants & values the same thing (or that they should want or value the same thing)- i.e. achieving their personal version of Fit Mom's body. It follows from that presumption that if one is not actively pursuing that goal, then one…
Hrm ... I diasgree? But then urbandictionary (ugh) says you're technically right (even though moose knuckle is still listed as a synonym for camel toe).
Naturally skinny person here. Some of us are naturally skinny. Therefore I would never write a book or blog or anything on "How to stay fit" or write something to the effect of "I am thin, why aren't you?". It's like a person born wealthy writing a book on "How to Succeed in life". This woman is an asshole and…
Her body may be amazing, but her personality sucks ass. I'll keep my personality and curves if being skinny means I have to judge other moms.
Ummm...I would have thought that the show was more critical of the way in which the poor are disenfranchised. The missing women and children could be written off with "report filed in error" by those who orchestrated the cover-up, and their loved ones didn't have the juice to push matters. The whole cult was based…
I grew up in a poor town in Missouri, rather than Louisiana, but I think Salon's criticism is off. True Detective is a show about the ways in which rich white men who occupy positions of power have often abused that power at the expense of the marginalized, and then used their connections to erase that abuse from the…
Show me the frog again. I'll show you where he touched me.
" Jerry Sandusky's wife Dottie vigorously defended her husband"