
Obviously, talking about something doesn't make you guilty, but the second you pick something weird and start protesting too much, I instantly think you are up to something. For instance, when Terrence Howard went on his rant about women being unclean if they don't carry baby wipes all the time? Instantly my head was

And why the hell does Starlite have pecs? Off my lawn, kids! OFF MY LAWN!

It looks like she's caught in a spiderweb, waiting to be a spider's midnight snack.

Ugh. The thing I hate most is that tone that seems to say "Look, this guy is a HERO because he's not raping an unconscious woman." He clearly knows that's some fucked up shit AND wants credit for not being a rapist. All while clearly keeping someone that needs help, helpless.

Not win so much. More lose. Lose so hard.

Got any rope, Lloyd?

Jr. wasn't as good looking as dad, but he was totally sweet. We've actually stayed good friends - we live in different countries but we stay in touch and occasionally meet up for lunch. Just lunch. Dad has stayed friendly, too. I see him every couple of years and we have a good laugh.

I'm annoyed that the makeup line isn't called SMIZE or, failing that, BeauTYRA

I learned to make Fedoras from scratch. I wish I was kidding.

Went to a thing to see if I could get with an actor who was a childhood crush of mine. Actor was very old (and had just had hip surgery). His son (He was 29) was there. Got drunk. Told my childhood crush I had come to seduce him but he didn't seem into me. I shit you not he said "I'm very old." He ended up giving me

I seriously thought I was the only person that ever read Wait til Helen Comes! OMG! I Looooooooved that book as a kid. We have to read that book.

Wow. I didn't think I could like him less, but the poetry is just the shit icing on the turd cake.

I like them because my SO plays the premieres for all the Pirate movies and they have a really good costumer and makeup detail that turns the musicians into pirates. It's ridiculous and personally beneficial to me :)

"She's got shoulders that are wider than a man's, which physiologically doesn't happen." Christ on a Velociraptor. The amount Republican men don't know about women's bodies is terrifying. Shoulders/Magic Pregnancy Prevention Powers/Peeing from the butt. What's next, finding babies under cabbage leaves?

You just reminded me that I have a gift certificate for a pound of See's! I think I love you. And those chocolate raspberry truffles.

That's not what the movie Outbreak taught us and MOVIES WOULD NEVER LIE OR DISTORT THE TRUTH FOR DRAMATIC PURPOSES!!!!

Mint & Olive Oil? I admit I have an over active imagination & watch a lot of Hannibal, but my first thought was "he's going to make sausage casing out of their intestines."

I saw him in a MACY'S in Manhattan Beach about 10 years ago. He was sucking on a lollipop, which was weeeeeeird.

I saw him do that bit live, in a TINY little comedy club AGES ago. And he was like 2 feet from my face, because it was the tiniest club in the world. He mimed it EXACTLY like these instructions and it was awful and hilarious.