Note: As soon as you trot out "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT" you've lost the argument and everyone is embarrassed for you.
Note: As soon as you trot out "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT" you've lost the argument and everyone is embarrassed for you.
"Celebrity." OMG, dying.
I HAVE A PROBLEM! There is literally something about Von Trier films where I feel compelled to watch them, convinced that THIS time it'll be a good experience. But it never is, and I never learn.
"Your feelings are the problem" is a classic narcissist argument. Nothing I do is a problem, the problem is that you feel wrong about my actions. It's also a classic move to passive aggressively whine about other's behavior "I understand you don't want to fuck me." And lastly, more classic narcissism - When she does…
Oh GAAAAAAAWD. I would watch that, be mad at myself for watching that, try to convince myself there WAS artistic merit in it, drink, realize I was kidding myself all along, cry, drink more, engage in questionable drunk texting, sleep, and wake up at the bottom of a shame spiral.
I'm giggling that we were both like MPREG! Duh! I've been in fandom too long ;)
The protesting too much Brunette who keeps freaking out about "labia down to your ankles" has some serious internalized labia shame. I would be unsurprised if she has a huge cuchini stockpile she cries over.
I went to a play in London years ago, and Alan Rickman was in the audience sitting less than 10 feet from me. ALL I COULD THINK OF WAS THIS IMAGE. It literally was burned on the back of my eyes. At intermission, I went to the bar to get a drink, nearly physically bumped into him, and he did a sort of "No, you go…
What a tool! I love how he's a total douchebag, then acts all surprised when she's out of there. BUT I NEGGED YOU SO HARD! THE PUA PROMISED THIS WOULD WORK! WHERE'S MY COMPED NICE GUY VAGINA?
I once stayed up for two days, writing Snape Fan Fic, had 9 cups of coffee and became completely convinced that I was a theoretical mathematics genius. Which is extra hilarious because I JUST passed high school algebra. Like D+ passed.
Right? Clearly their problems are so interesting that therapists should pay THEM to listen in.
I honestly think it has a ton to do with the individual shrink and your relationship with them. I've seen three shrinks in my life - one court ordered family therapy in my youth, and two I sought as an adult. Two of them I had no rapport with at all - one I saw short term to hash out a fairly simple issue and while I…
I agree with you 100% - Older children breast feeding doesn't skeeve me out because I find there to be a sexual component. It skeeves me out because it seems like an issue of no/low boundaries. As someone raised without being allowed to have boundaries, it seems super manipulative on the part of the adult doling out…
He had to be put in a mask? That's fantastically awful. Even worse, I'm picturing him in a Hannibal Lecter mask. Hannibal doesn't deserve that.
I love that her "Super pregnant 800 meters" time is still way better than my "800 meters while in the best shape of my life" time.
Oooooh! Now I can make my eyes pretty with poison that's not grown with pesticides!
We need to invent a new sport where they wear those gorgeous bull fighting outfits, but don't torture any animals. Maybe that should be the new curling uniform. Could that make curling watchable? Synchronized dog walking? Strut-offs?
Bless you! The natural DDDs and I are very excited to have this information.