The Germans: They ALWAYS have a word for it.
The Germans: They ALWAYS have a word for it.
I don't know what you've heard, baby, but I'm alllllllllll dick. Oh, and wings. I couldn't figure out how to make aerodynamic wings in dick form.
In reaction, up around the end of the first paragraph was "I NEED THAT DAMN CAT."
Seriously, the only thing that could convince me to go jogging is if I could take a baby rhino with me. I would job EVERY DAY with that little guy.
When I get really depressed, this doesn't make everything better, but it makes everything a little less worse.
Bill Murray is actually making me think about visiting Charleston, S.C.. He is that powerfully awesome.
HANDS! HANDS! I feel like I should have been on set, smacking hands with rulers when they got too handsy. Why are they so creepily handsy?
Hannibal is Soooooo good! I was prepared to hate it as I loved the books *(well, the first three), have a really creepy encyclopedic knowledge of them, and have waaaaay too much invested in the fictional characters. But that show NAILS the characters, and throws them on their ears, and is weird, and wonderful, and…
I have a place for All kinds of Mexican food. Oaxacan, Hole-in-the-Wall Mexican, Fake (Taco Bell) Mexican. Every food, turn turn turn.
I would like to die of ecstasy brought on by a prolonged Litterfinger/Ser Jorah threeway. My death would at the height of ecstasy would mean I don't have to stick around afterward, which is good, because I think Jorah probably cries after sex and wants to talk about Dany all night.
Bwahahahaha. No.
I went riding for six hours in the sun. I wore long sleeves and and gloves - but there ended up being a three inch gap. I burned HIDEOUSLY (like, they needed ointment and bandages for over a week) and I had Wonder Woman gauntlets in tan on my arms - FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS. It's been over a decade, and the skin there is…
And staying inside.
Yesss! Let's just get them out actually rowing a small boat. And I need a scene of her having a fling with some pretty boy then tossing him over cos Baelish is the ticket to power.
Seriously. I will even accept another character "dreaming" this scene, then waking up. WE ARE ALL SO WILLING TO SUSPEND DISBELIEF TO MAKE THIS SEX SCENE HAPPEN.
First I BWAHAHAHAHA'D at your comment. Then I ugly-cried.
Bwahahaha. Indeed. This is an excellent plan.
I think that would be awesome, and incredibly plausible. I think she's smart enough tp get him to set her on a throne and then execute him.