I want Petyr/Sansa to turn into a terrifying power couple a la House of Cards.
I want Petyr/Sansa to turn into a terrifying power couple a la House of Cards.
Nooooooo. That's not a dress, it's half a cocktail! ;)
BWAHAHA. It's all junk mail & bills anyway.
I want a remake of this because I love the IDEA of the movie...but I can't stand Costner.
Thanks for serving me - have some skin cancer. PEOPLE, man. Ugh.
I love caffeine inhalers so much (less tongue burns from trying to get that damn coffee IN IN IN) but even I think snorting alcohol powder is a bad idea. Thankfully I am stocked up with real booze for tonight's Hannibal Finale. Yes, it is a Hannibal approved liquor.
Mychelle Ultimate Lash and Brow Serum - I got some a few weeks ago in one of my subscription boxes and it is growing the brows on the side that have always been sparse as hell for me. It's slightly stingy when it goes on, but it hasn't hurt the skin or anything, and my eye brows look a lot better. Not cheap cheap, but…
I hear you. I hate boyfriend for the guy I've been with for 16 (or 17, depending on who you ask) years. Online, he's always SO. In person, I'll toss around partner/old man/fella pretty liberally, but I still balk at boyfriend. It sounds like grade school to me.
"The treat tastes a little bitter and fishy"
NOT ALL MEN! There you go, Dribbles. Trolling is hard man's work, so I understand you might need a little lady to help out.
Put us out of our misery - DID THE WHITE DRESS SURVIVE?
Every time I see those exquisitely clean pure white dresses I instantly panic "YOU'RE GONNA SIT IN GUM!"*
Christina Hendricks, Lily Rabe, Gillian Anderson, Vera Farmiga, Emily Browning, Paula Malcomson, and Kate Blanchett all spring to mind.
Vet records, maybe? Like they took it in for its first shots at X week old and they've been updating them since?
Oh my gawd that tea pot. It looks like you'd catch something out of it. Dysentery. That is the teapot they drank out of on the Oregon Trail.
At home gel nails forever. They last forever, are smooth as glass, and even though they say you're supposed to soak it off in acetone (Soak in acetone? What? Nooooo) I have no problem just peeling them off when they grow out.
It's sort of hilarious with Hannibal. He's incredibly manipulative, a serial killer and eats people. But my brain keeps pointing out: BUT he's polite, has exquisite taste, sees you for who you really are and will handle all of the cooking.
Bwahahaha. I hope at some point, while drunk, you run into the ex and slur "I ONLY DATED YOU BECAUSE YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN A GOOD INAPPROPRIATE HALLOWEEN COSTUME!"
Confused Pants-Feelings is my new band name.