The next time I drink too much and visit the porcelain god, I guarantee you drunk-me is going to start laughing in between heaves, and calling for my horse.
The next time I drink too much and visit the porcelain god, I guarantee you drunk-me is going to start laughing in between heaves, and calling for my horse.
"Limbaugh's winning book Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims is about a time traveling middle school teacher who has Rush Limbaugh's head and personality."
Pygmalion, the original Shaw play is actually more feminist than My Fair Lady, and Shaw fought pressures to have Eliza & Henry end up together. Eliza knows she won't get as far in life, in such a classist society, if her speech betrays her as a Cockney. So she offers to PAY for lessons to improve her chances of…
It's shocking how many old songs have incredibly racist lyrics. My SO is a career musician. He's been playing jazz since before he was a teen and now he's an old. He's got TONS of old sheet music and a huge database of songs. There's so many gorgeous sounding old tunes that have beautiful long as you…
The real awkward pauses are usually there on Louie. But you're right, they're rare, at least on most US shows. The UK loves its low, awkward pauses.
She IS our resident crazy old lady. I like her more now that she has no idea where I work :)
Faye Dunaway is a crazy, terrifying woman. Years ago she used to come into a place I worked, buy industry software she didn't understand, call me back up screaming, return the software I'd advised against her purchasing in the first place, and glare at everyone. This happened....7 times? 8? Our store front was all…
The best thing I've found:
This is one of the biggest reasons (besides stupid tax laws) I've lived with someone for over a decade but I won't get married. I can't bear to have that kind of day and be afraid of her being there.
There are hot dog flavored potato chips? Asking for a friend...
I spent three minutes trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with her veiny back before realizing it was Brad's hand wrapped around her. It really really is time for me to start my weekend with a nap.
Your shovel, Sir. Keep on digging that hateful little hole for yourself.
Bwahahaha. They're like orchids grown in a Skinner's Box.
I'm pretty happy with how my boobs look - they're big, but still in the right place. Still, even well fitted bras bug the hell out of my on hour 10 - if this was comfortable and supportive, I'd be all for it. But I keep thinking that the threads would like...pull weird? Feel awkward. I'm probably thinking of it wrong…
I totally have that lens, but all it says are "You are awkward and everyone is judging you" so I feel like it would be a hard sell.
I think I'd let him off the hook easier if he called her. But he didn't. He literally had several shots at decently saying "I'm not into you " - to her face, could have phoned or texted himself. I'm not inclined to think well of someone that ditched a date and only says he's not coming back when she calls him. Time is…
Sure, you don't "owe" someone your time. But agreeing to a date, then flat out lying that you're going to an ATM and then running away? Not ok. I'd have at least a modicum of respect if he'd said "I'm not into you in person lets not waste each other's time." It's insensitive, but at least it's honest. Running away and…
What a hateful bastard. Seriously, unless you fear for your safety, it's really the polite thing to do to sit out a date even if you're not attracted to/interested in the other person once you meet them. Ugh, I hate people, but I'm glad your BFF & his wife seem like good folks.