Why do you think even Republican Congresscritters are denouncing this? Because of integrity? Pshaw. Because THEY ALSO WON in an election the President claims was rigged. They don’t want their constituents questioning their legitimacy.
Why do you think even Republican Congresscritters are denouncing this? Because of integrity? Pshaw. Because THEY ALSO WON in an election the President claims was rigged. They don’t want their constituents questioning their legitimacy.
Executive orders have gotten a bad rep, but really all it is is a directive from the head of the Executive Branch to one of the Executive departments to do something they’re allowed to do. Presidential powers are defined in the constitution or by specific powers given to him by Congress. Such as, a president can order…
Chaffetz said their office is not investigating the election. The joke going around is they would find more Hillary votes.
Wait. Isn’t this the same party that fought to put an end to the recounts last month?
Do you know how many millions the GOP has spent on investigating red herrings? Weren’t there something to the tune of 17 Benghazi investigations?
I think we can safely assume at this point that Hillary won by 8 million votes.
Agreed! Like, dude...if they were going to do it on that scale, why not do it in states that could have given Hilary both popular AND electoral victories? Idiot.
The immigration executive orders are a nightmare. They are the worst case scenario. People will be ripped from their American families, women will be raped and murdered in their home countries after being returned to their persecutors, children will be locked in jails for weeks at a time, hispanics will be profiled…
Can someone ask him why, if Dems could perpetuate MASSIVE voter fraud, they wouldn’t have done it in swing states? Jesus can we have ONE DAY without something absolutely bonkers?
No shit, Sherlocks. I just wish the entire fucking country didn’t have to learn the hard, irreversible damage way because you routinely blotted out ALL THE FACTS.
Minor nitpick pretty sure that Kowalski is supposed to be Polish immigrant not a Polish/Jewish immigrant. Kowalski is not a Jewish last name. It is the equivalent of Smith, not Cohen :)
He is not even the smartest one in the room when he is taking a shit.
I’m over the idea that non-violence is the only path. I’m over the “Love Trumps Hate” and (as much as I love Michelle Obama) “When they go low, we go high”. It is not our job to roll over, compromise, always be nice, always be peaceful, always take what others have determined to be the high road. The intimidation…
He was already saying the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. The only thing that changed is that he’s scared now.
The Republican establishment won’t let this happen, just like Donald Trump has no chance of ever becoming President! Call your Representative in the House and let them know that withdrawing from the UN is a terrible idea!
The UK will never leave the EU.
And there’s no way Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination!
And never until now has it had an actual chance at succeeding.