
He stole from rich people.

I saw the headline and immediately thought it meant: How to make sure there’s no longer parity in that one state.

I was let go of my STEM job months before I reached 30 years of employment at my previous company. I was replaced by an H1-B worker at a lower wage, one who will never get any retirement benefits at all. I had no problem getting hired at another company in my area, and am now making significantly more than I did

Eh, my nieces were super into princess stuff, until they weren’t. Now they’re into Star Wars and Marvel.

I’m an American by birth, and I still don’t understand.

I keep waiting for a paycheck from George Soros.

“you’re a loser, cry in your safe space.”

Yeah, phew, good thing we dodged that Clinton pay to play stuff!

Natalie Portman already won an Oscar she didn’t deserve. #teamWinter’sBone

I’m waiting for him to appoint Martin Shkreli to the FDA.


Toby Keith is a big name? (Serious question, never heard of him, but I’m not really in touch.)

Is that similar to the theory that Jar Jar Binks is a Sith Lord?

Is it a laugh track or a live audience?

Can someone explain this? I know it means “I remember”, but I don’t understand the context.

Thanks, I was wondering about that. The sex stuff doesn’t bother me per se, as long as they’re of age and the prostitution is definitely consensual (sometimes it isn’t). I’m sure we’ve had presidents who had fetishes before. But if they’re underage, that’s a completely different story.

Thank you, seriously. I was thinking that he was coming across as... not too bad... at the hearings, and I was wondering if I should give him another look. Thank you for demonstrating to me how far I’ve lowered the bar.

Why would he retaliate? He won the US election, his puppet will be in place in less than a month.

There’s some great art depicting the latter:

This assumes we’re going to get out of 2016 alive.