
Everytime I hear ‘accidental discharge’ I’m always right there to say: “Impossible, I’ve heard it countless times that guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”

From the tweet:

Not surprised. He came across as a major douche and a bro. Waiting on Bobby Flay to be the next to have allegations surface.

This is super not surprising. He was always gross and both on the Vegas season and on all stars you could always tell that he never thought the female chefs were as good as the male ones.


I’ve given no fucks about the Oscars since Crash won Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain.

“ In god we trust” is not the national motto, that’s “e pluribis unum”.In god we trust” only started appearing on paper money in the 1950's, I believe due to fight communism(It did appear on coins before that). Same as added the “under god” to the pledge of allegiance.

Running theory on Russian Conspiracy Twitter is that a good chunk of the GOP is being blackmailed. Remember, not just the DNC, but also the RNC got hacked in 2016, but the RNC stuff never got released. Wonder who has it, and what they’re doing with it? (see here). If they quit politics, maybe the thinking is that

It never ceases to amaze me how different people can have such disparate views of the same situation based solely on partisan politics. And the media outlets they consume, I guess, but those are largely based on partisan politics too.

Precisely the point, BQ, If they want to convince anyone that it’s legit, they should promise to keep data on how many women in burqa are approached by police compared to men with the various other verboten facial accoutrements. Based on Austrian demographics, there should be far more of the latter. Show us the

While I loathe the commercial Kardashians, I can’t work myself into a lather over them at this point. And if Kim is using her platform to spread awareness then I’m not gonna bang on her. The Kardashians didn’t make themselves famous. The Average American Aspirational Shithead did that. If I could make money off

Democrats, rather than enjoying watching Republicans crash and burn their dangerous healthcare repeal bills, are apparently validating whiny Republicans by drafting a compromise bill behind-the-scenes.

I am so, so wary, and I am going to be so heartbroken if it’s bad.

Or get their maids to make lemonade that they can sell to the gardeners?

“...assume the blahs are where the dude points out the similarities between Wonder Woman and Captain America: The First Avenger...”

Yeah! They receive the majority of transfer payments funded by my tax dollars. When is the OP going to agitate to have them deported? They are just a bunch of freeloading parasites!

Good evening David,

Going after criminals is hard, dangerous work. So much easier to deport a restaurant worker.

It’s hard work to go after criminals. Going after high school students is easy.

I’m tired of subsidizing Goldman Saks, Bank of America, Exxon, Citibank, Royal Dutch Shell, Walmart, China National Petroleum, and Berkshire Hathaway, to name just a few. I have no problem subsidizing the lives of real people though.