I came here and didn’t see color.
I came here and didn’t see color.
Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.
Bitch, that was one photo 15 years ago at a social event. If she’d been giving him the stink eye, you’d find a reason that was wrong too. But, hey, sounds like you did your part to make sure the real rapist got elected, so thanks for the entertainment of the future impeachment trial. You really did your part in…
You’re right. Warren had just changed her registration from Republican when that pic was snapped, while Clinton had been a Democrat for30 years at that point. She’s no Elizabeth Warren.
I’ve been in the greys for like 3 years so not sure anyone will see this, but is anyone else more afraid of Trump getting impeached then they are him staying? Its hardly been months and he’s already fucked himself, and I don’t see much getting done with the sheer incompetence in which they’re drowning.
Since the information is “declassified”, that means everyone can file a FOIA request. Refusing to do so shows that he didn’t officially declassify it and intentionally revealed state secrets.
Joe Biden wrote the 1994 crime bill. Why does no one hold him responsible for any of the consequences?
YOU MUST BE FUCKING KIDDING ME... They want to be paid for defunding an organization that helps women, in a state with a very bad record of doing so, in a country with increasingly scandalous levels of maternal mortality. We really need the pitchforks and fucking torches, bitches.
I watched Pearl Harbor for Josh Hartnett, not Affleck. I’ve watched it a few times.
Thanks for the list. People forget that the NRA isn’t really a gun owners’group (though they market themselves as such), but rather a gun manufacturers’ lobbying group.
YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.
Here’s an additional point: most women don’t put off abortion by choice. Women arent sitting around hemming and hawing trying to decide if they want an abortion at 20 weeks. The reasons a woman might need an abortion after 20 weeks are usually 1. Doctors have told her the baby cannot safely (for her health or the…
The problem with that is apparently Merkel found Ivanka much more informed and intelligent than her daddy.
Interesting observation. During the primaries, where Gawker (not Jezebel but Gawker when it was up and running) was the site of choice for Bernie bros, I noted that it was almost impossible to tell the difference between the comment section in Breitbart vs. Gawker in terms of the hatred and crackpot conspiracy…
Don’t let these flaccid old turtles take what is ours. We ARE this party, they can flash their decaying unity badges all they want but at the end of the day, we have to get out there and support our women and POC and LGBTQ candidates and show these turds the fucking door. This is a last gasp of the empire of dick (to…
Women’s healthcare and reproductive rights are an economic issue.
“Idon’t think we should abandon our principles so easily, but I understand what he’s trying to get at.”
Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck…
He endorses a guy for mayor who’s had a history of being against women’s rights, but doesn’t endorse another guy because he has different ways of getting the income gap down. Both are in red districts, and so both are not going to be ideologically pure. The fuck do you want Bernie? You’re not even a Democrat so you…