And that is why i’m set up with monthly donations to the ACLU.
And that is why i’m set up with monthly donations to the ACLU.
My favorite anecdote from a friend at the DC March: “My husband pointed out about halfway through the march that he hadn’t yet seen a misspelled sign. I watched carefully after that, and he was right — thousands of signs, not a single misspelling.”
I won’t march because I’m wondering where the hell were these people before the election and mobilizing voters to stop Trump? Where were these hundreds of thousands of people to help GOTV in their states? Did all of these people vote? Where were they in the 2010 and 2014 elections to vote against Republicans who were…
Thank you for putting into words so succinctly that niggling feeling I’ve had since last year. Well done.
Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):
Bullshit. The majority of that 20 million is Medicaid. Those people have seen doctors, so now will have a preexisting condition, and will now either have high premiums, or none at all.
There is a lot more to the ACA than the marketplace insurance. The vast majority of people I have signed up are not getting insurance in name only. The premiums and deductibles are reasonable. They also get free preventive services, birth control with no deductible, no life time caps, and a maximum they will pay out…
Or you know he could learn to BUTTON HIS DAMN JACKET.
Someone send the man a fucking tie clip, already. You’d think that someone with the billions of dollars and style and class he claims to have, he’d own a damn tie clip.
The sheer irony of this is that my parents adore state parks (go camping constantly and love the West), and yet happily voted for Trump and are supporting all his cabinet picks. How... how do these things compute?!
Yes, but this is also their plan. Shift that responsibility off the federal government and put it on individuals and families who are already struggling. Families who will bear an even larger burden under Trump’s tax plan and who will benefit less from it.
What I see happening is Democrats will end up donating to these programs and they will get funded and they will go on. And my tiny black heart says only Democrats should be able to use them. I’m just angry right now, I probably don’t really feel that way.
They honestly just don’t give a fuck about anything except raping the world and stuffing their pockets full of money. How could ANYONE have been so fucking stupid as to have been taken in by Don the Con and his band of demons???
A big thank you to 40+% of people who didnt bother to vote and another big sarcastic thank you to fucking assholes who keep voting these dipshits into office.