
I was there in Murfreesboro! I had so many fellow white people tell me to ignore it and not show up, saying it wasn’t worth it and it was just giving them attention. Well so many of us showed up that those fucking assholes didn’t even come. It’s time for us ALL to start showing up against these pricks.

It’s interesting to think about things like that since I am very much not a good saver. I like the good things in life and lifestyle creep is a real issue for me. I don’t earn a lot as a nonprofit lawyer, but I have several friends who are doing the full Big Law thing of working 80-100 hour weeks for annual salaries

I’m preggo and sober at an Oktoberfest party

Oh thank god for SNS. I’m preggo and sober at an Oktoberfest party and bored out of my MIND!

Greetings from Brazil! I’m currently in São Paulo after having spent a lovely week in the countryside visiting my in-laws and my dogs. We couldn’t take them when we moved to the US and while they live in a wonderful place and are pampered to death, it’s bittersweet as they’re not with us. It was a shock to see how old

i just saw the preview for this movie and it got my attention. But thank you for this article because I am certain to see it when comes out to support this director. #awesomesauce

I was 15 and attending my freshman year homecoming dance at a new high school.
A kid I’d never seen before walked up, started fast dancing with my group of friends and myself (cool) and then casually grabbed my tits with both hands (NOT cool).
I justifiably freaked out, left to the ladies room, was followed by some

“Calm down” is another phrase men use to tell women that their emotions or countering viewpoints are well actually, wrong. “Calm down” is not a phrase that men regularly say to other men.

31 years! That’s amazing! Glad to know that I’m not alone in my feelings! Thank you!

I needed these past few days! I’ve been so stressed about finding a job, my car, money etc. To the point that my blood pressure was reading as pre-hypertension! But the past two days with friends was exactly what I needed!

“Actually this is for my Satanic Cult meeting! Want to come? We’re looking for a human sacrifice!” (Yeah I know that isn’t really a thing but crusty old dudes like that universally seem to think so)

I posted last week in SNS about my kid finally getting gender confirmation surgery. Well, the day before surgery my kid got sick and at pre-op, they decided to postpone surgery. So back home driving SF to Seattle with a sick kid, and we rescheduled for the next available date, 2.5 weeks from now. Luckily the Air BnB

RIP Tom Petty this week,

After a 2 year wait and about a million hoops jumped through, my 20yo is having gender confirmation surgery on Tues morning. I’m exhausted, worried (normal not wanting to see my child in pain stuff) and happy. I’m really looking forward to moving on from this phase of my life. My kid is on the autism spectrum so


“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

This girl is coming home!!!! The insurance company approved home care for her, we’ve already met with a representative from the company that will supply her care, and it should be two more weeks until we’re out of the hospital. All the staff needs to go meet her first and learn her current schedule and preferences,

Made a couple of malas. Haven’t tied the tassels yet. My current mood is obviously black and skully.

Working on my daughter’s Halloween costume this week. She’s dead set on troll. Still have some more work on the headpiece and the dress, but I’m almost done!

Craft Thread!