
Ugh are we doing Christmas again this year? Give it a rest, guys.

Just posting because I’m not asleep this time. Still pregnant. Yay. Too tired to function. Boo. Today I woke up at 9.30, ate breakfast, felt like barfing, went back to bed and didn’t wake up until 1.30.

Happy Saturday folks!!! I’m a sometimes commentor, big time star everything haha but I wanted to share that yesterday my mom passed her citizenship interview and exam! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Did anyone stay up to witness Cassini’s loss of signal?

Rodney and I were starting to wonder as well. He is an inquisitive sort of piggums!

I don’t usually post here, but I lurk and star like a mofo and I was getting antsy.

We got so very lucky with Hurricane Irma, only our fence was damaged and we lost all our perishable foods. My family down in the Tampa area also escaped with minimal damaged that was able to be repaired, heck my brothers got power back before I did.

I’m still trying to decompress, but I’m happy to be home, my animals

Had our last camping trip of the season- two days on the Glen and Richardson hwys, 3 days at Chena Hot Springs- total bliss.

Anybody make any cool purchases this week? I bought this for my yard and I’m living my best life.

No bracelets this week...just a couple pendulums. I’m at the “slightlydepresseddontwannadoanythingbuteat” phase of unemployment. Still interviews, no bites yet. Soon, I’m sure.

Before my mom had a debilitating stroke in her 50s, she used to go down to Florida in the winter. This was after my dad died (we’re not historically long livers). Anyhow, she made friends with an older lady while in Naples FL. Just found out this older lady, who is now 104 (not fucking kidding), is riding out the

I just have to share with someone that last night I went to a burlesque show (my third), and it was David Lynch-themed, and it was amazing.

My cat is in the hospital all weekend receiving IV fluids. She has kidney disease and I am complete wreck. I have never lost a pet before and I don’t think I will be able to handle it when the time comes. She is the sweetest girl in the world and I just want so badly for her to be okay.

Now playing

It’s more distorted than those and she’s missing the establishing single notes, can’t have a trailer without those.


I’m in the military and I think one of our Soldiers may be transgender. I write “think” because I really don’t give a shit because they do their job. I have found most of my fellow Soldiers feel the same way.

I had basically that same conversation with myself ~20 years ago while I was pulling the still-burning bodies out of a crashed 747. Seeing the few surviving children taken to the hospital, knowing they’d live a “blessed” life with 80% of their body covered in burn scars and no parents......

Seeing “god” at his/her/its

“God’s got this.”

I never post on SNS because I’m perma-grey but I’m feeling good and I want to share.