
We recently replaced our horrible concrete flooring with laminate , it’s the best. And we purchased an ILIFE A4s robot vacuum which is 134.99$ on Amazon. I highly recommend it.

I’m so sorry, I’ve been there too. My marriage of 18 years ended 13 years ago. I was such a difficult time but...things got way better and it turned out to be for the best. I’ve been with a great guy for 8 years and am so much happier than I was in my previous marriage. In fact I ran into my ex on Wednesday and it

Because I’m such an idiot and can’t figure out how to share videos I’m just going to have to list some artists that I am listening to currently. Anges Obel, Benjamin Clementine. Adam Torres. I had never heard of Norma Tanega until I heard You’re Dead on the soundtrack of What We Do In The Shadows, I looked her up and

On the two occasions when I have been accosted by a random assholes making stupid comments to me I said something to the effect of the following: “I’m sorry...what? I’m so sorry, I can’t understand you...I..I.. What?? Can you please repeat that? Oh my gosh, you are OK? Your speech kind of garbled...I think you may

Congratulations! I’ve been an RN for 31 years and love my job. When I first started out I was so nervous. I felt like an imposter wearing a nurse’s uniform. And yup, I did screw up here and there but I learned and grew and so will you. You go girl!

As the mom of a transgender daughter, I send you well wishes. Thank you for being such an amazing parent.

A two year long every weekend booty call is not a no commitment situation. It’s time for ya’ll to have a talk .

It sounds like you’re in good hands. Don’t worry. Menopause can suck, but it doesn’t have to. Explore nutritional supplements, supportive medication and life style changes. You are going to be A OK.

Have you had a second opinion? I’m a nurse with 30 years of gyn experience. Endometrial hyperplasia is not usually a reason to have a total hysterectomy and oopherectomy . It is considered to be potentially precancerous if not monitored and treated but major surgery isn’t normally the first option. Maybe there are

I LOVE my black amethyst pendant that I bought from you. I had in mind to give it to my sister for her birthday, she’s a rock hound, but I just had to keep it!

Congratulations, you are such a badass!

This is wonderful and hilarious.

I’m not sure if it was his first role, but check out Randall Park in Ikea Heights. It is a You Tube series shot surreptitiously inside an Ikea store during business hours a few years ago. It’s hilarious and he is fantastic in it!

I’m a 60 year old mom with two grown kids. Your mom is being unreasonable. I would quit answering calls and emails if I were you, and reach out when it suits you. Maybe that sounds harsh but dang..... she sounds toxic.

I felt that was about the new Gorillaz at first but it really got me on the second listen.  Best song: Hallelujah Money. Now I’m a Benjamin Clementine fan!

This is so great, thanks for turning me on to it! Will be watching it!

She knows he’s weird or she wouldn’t have said to let her know if you don’t like him. I suggest you tell her “your referral was creepy as hell and I want to try another dentist”.

Couple’s counseling before you get married. Trust me I know. Something like this will only become a bigger issue and can torpedo your marriage. This level of annoyance is not normal.

Oh, I konmaried my closet a few months ago, boy was it life changing! I did most of the things she recommends, and now my closet is an oasis of neatness. I used to just bunch everything up and throw it into the drawers, and would spend wasted minutes looking for the exact pair of black leggings I needed because most

It’s going places you can’t even imagine. Defiantly not cut and dried. Looking forward to discussing here next week. You’ll be finished by then.