
Every one of those feelings will be amplified even more after you are married. Right now should be the honeymoon phase, if you will. Where love and butterflies mask the partners faults. The fact that you see them so clearly that you posted about it....in all caps at several points, should tell you something. This is

I am home.

Finished this earlier this week:

Not crazy, your creep meter kicked in for a reason and it’s totally fine to explore how best to make sure this gym remains a safe place for you. I would document his interactions and try to have a chat with management about how it makes you feel when this happens. You might not be the only one to mention it, and they

So... I did something today.

Does anyone else hate going to the beach? I married into a family of beach obsessed people and feel alone

Funny. I live in a Texas (Austin thank God) and can’t begin to tell you how many people are not asking for this at all.

My mother met my stepdad just before she turned 50. Online. They are a wonderful couple. Married for 8 years now, together for 10. It can definitely happen!

It’s my 35th birthday tomorrow. That looks weird to even type. Halfway through the 30s already. Wtf. My older daughter will be 8 in a few weeks. Wtf. TIME. You crazy son of a gun.

I had a glorious pizza today. Goat sausage, fiddleheads, grana padano, apricots, spruce tips, spinach apple pesto. NOM. What you eating?

Thanks, kid. Mike Pence also owes me (and every other LGBT person) and every woman in America an apology. But it’s a start.

Shameless brag thread: I finished 2nd out of 79 women in a triathlon today! 

Thanks! I need to remember to thank things as I unload them. I’m still working on getting rid of them, though, instead of putting them in the closet just in case. With the blouses I’m getting rid of, I cut them up and will make a pair of shorts with one and a blouse I like with the other two, so there at least I’m

Baby had her first birthday party today!

Last week a wrote a post about being a stay at home mom of a 4 yr old and 2 yr old, newly pregnant with an unwanted would-be 3rd child. I said I was nervous and feeling emotional about the abortion I had scheduled. I want to thank you all for the support and sharing. I had the abortion yesterday. It was fine. I felt

Without being spoilery: Life in general isn’t cut and dry, and neither is John B’s.

You guys!!! Who’s listening to S Town???

Bear with me and my pictures because we went out for our first hike since winter ended!

I have two life updates for you:

I was late to SNS last weekend because I spent the night with my beloved TB horse who was colicking. We did everything we could but there was a rupture and we had to put him down. He was a rescue and a touch guy to handle but he was a huge part of my life and taught me so much. I had him for 11 years from age 10-21

So I cut a ton of hair off. This is the shortest hair I’ve had in about 10 years. The first picture is last week, the bottom today.