
My two cents is that you have no idea what’s going on in his head. Maybe he’s not over a previous relationship, maybe he’s gay, maybe he’s got an intermittent and borderline apocalyptic threadworm infestation and he had to clench his arse cheeks the whole time you were having sex the last time in case they spooled out

I would gladly contribute to Alefantis’ legal fund (though where are the left’s billionaire sugar daddies?) if he can take down Alex Jones as Peter Thiel did Gawker. Both sides can play at that game.

I’m not married but in my former career doing sex education I worked with a lot of married couples, so I hope it’s ok if I chime in:

Talk about everything. Courtesy is important! Express daily your appreciation and love. If a distance opens, address it immediately. Never, ever say things in a fight just to hurt. There are only 2 votes in a marriage between 2 people, no one else gets a say. If there is any topic that you are scared to bring up with

Craft Thread!

Some things:

1. I went to see Beauty and the Beast. I was kind of forced. It was okay. I guess the big gay moment was Le Fou briefly dancing with another man who apparently liked to dress like a woman. K. Oh. Spoiler alert.

2. I have this neighbour who is super invested in her 16 year old daughter’s relationship. Like

Hello lovely people of Jez. In the spirit of keeping you guys posted, I underwent a breast tomosynthesis and ultrasound this week and the doctor said “I don’t see anything I worry about here”. One of the areas of interest is a cyst and the other is a clump of breast tissue. I was advised to schedule a genetic risk

My take was- Richard Lawson- *THE Richard Lawson *?

How about no, Pamela. How about, no?

Get Out. It’s as good as everyone says.

I did my nails :)

Can I start the craft thread? I finished my knitted ducks and they are so adorable, I can’t wait to share!

a sausage and kale pizza

This is the first time I’ve seen a SNS post go live and I’m going to waste my “first” post to share this stupid picture of how I’m storing my hats:


Funny pet story thread. I’ll start. Today, I was out and mom was by herself with Hiro. She was watching tv while he slept on top of the couch. Suddenly, Hiro farted so loudly he made mom jump and look at him. He slept through the whole thing (or pretending to be sleeping).

This week I almost killed a man who called my daughter a “stupid little kid”. His toddler had climbed into the McDs play structure and wouldn’t come back down and asked my kid to get his daughter down and she couldn’t because she couldn’t speak and I even explained to him that she couldn’t speak and then he did that.


hi everyone! i picked up my cap and gown and hood this week and i’m SO EXCITED. perhaps too early, but i’m a nerd and i’m so fucking excited. the end is in sight. 3 years later and this masters is almost done.

How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.