
I will see anything with Iggy Pop in it, just take my money now. Thanks.

May I celebrate for a moment?? My artwork showed up in the background of a New Yorker cartoon this week!!!! No big deal...just the culmination of a lifelong dream and the coolest thing ever. Ever ever.

Accomplishments thread:

Hi! One thing I learned the hard way today, in my one bedroom apartment with closed windows because it’s nighttime in February ànd cold: hemp oil has a low smoke point.

Craft Thread!

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

I started one of my babies on the piano at three months old as well.

This isn’t Karlie’s first fuck up. She wore a war bonnet in a VS show and had to apologize for that too. At a certain point, it becomes clear whether a person has an internal compass for racial sensitivity or not. With Karlie, well meaning though she may be, I’m leaning toward “or not.” It’s not exactly surprising.

I need that one sleeved dress for watching Scandal and drinking wine. And just for drinking wine when Scandal isn’t on.

does melania even know whats happening like 76% of the time? i’ve never seen a woman look this perpetually confused.

This will likely have a huge impact on dozens of shoppers.

Saw Hidden Figures earlier today and loved it. I’d get queasy at the institutionalized casual racism depicted in the movie, but even with that feeling it was the best movie I’ve seen in a long while.

I’m so sorry. I had an ex addicted to heroin, it ate his soul. This is Durango (Wolf, Chow, and Rottweiler)

Had a Saturday for the kids - took them to the park on a trailhead (where they promptly got into the creek that runs by it) and to the Lego Batman movie (NGL, I wanted to see it too). Also managed to take the Gizmo-est pic of Amy ever.

Craft Thread!

I walked out my job today. I never felt better.

I nap and stay in on the weekends. I’m a huge introvert and going out in public just seems like an huge chore after working with the public all week.

A couple of months ago I asked for advice for grad school applications. You guys were so helpful. I just found out that I got into Columbia University!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to go so bad, but the cost is ridiculous. I am still waiting to see about financial aid and some scholarships. However, I am still so so excited!

Yeah, I heard him say that on NPR and I sighed heavily for at least the 50th time today.

Now playing

Bullshit, it was the same childish power play with Gorsuch. Did you see that shit?