
Chess pie! The most delicious pie known to man!

I am so thankful to finally be able to shout this all over the interwebs: My transgender daughter came out to everyone yesterday. The whole big FB announcement. Those closest to her have known for a little while and I have known since she revealed herself to me five years ago. Now that she has been on hormones for a

It was weird...after I posted my (hopefully helpful) advice about paps, my feed showed me as having made 2 other comments , I guess about cute GIFS? I have never seen that happen before. So yes, something got crossed in the Kinja matrix.

Something odd just happened with my comment feed. It showed two comments as if they were made by me...

I see this comment....I didn’t post it...Weird....

Don’t worry. I’m a gyn nurse with tons of experience with abnormal paps. It’s highly unlikely you have cancer. Chances are you will just need to have more frequent paps for a while. A remote possibility would be having a LEEP procedure...an office procedure to remove the area of abnormality. I’ve had that done myself.

Great photo!

Love it!

Great fun for a few minutes. Eventually the battery that powers the fan wears down. I found out the first time I wore it to a party. After about an hour I just looked like a deflated balloon..

So glad you don’t have pneumonia! I was hoping for an update, good news!I’m drinking box wine. Almaden Chardonnay. It has a sticker on the box proclaiming “Cooking Light 2013 TASTE TEST WINNER”. That’s good enough for me.

This is what I wore to work yesterday. Tonight Mr Zulu and I will go as Axl and Slash, much easier to maneuver in.

Internet know-it-all here...History of pneumonia? Lingering upper respiratory infection? If you’re having any wheezing or pain in your chest you might want to ask for a chest X ray if you’re not better by Monday. I’m a nurse at a family practice clinic, so forgive me for offering unsolicited advice but you’ve been

Congrats! Stopping smoking is so very hard. I’m down to 2 cigarettes a day but I sure do look forward to them so I don’t see them going away. So far as baking? This is the time of year when I whip up my dark chocolate pumpkin bundt cake with chocolate ganashe. I will gladly trade you a slice for a piece of your

I had some leftover blackeye peas with rice and sausage. Drinking my first Longboard Lager of the evening. Fixin to go see Bob Schneider and my kid’s band is the opener. Life is good! Enjoy your sub and ale!

This....it’s amazing. I cannot thank you enough. It’s exactly what I needed tonight.

OH MAN, I was about to say something about the new Tame Impala...we played it nonstop on our recent “Great American Roadtrip “. And I love this Bitchin Bajas, thank you for turning me on to a new band!

My dad used to make wine too. From potatoes. In the bathtub. I see you live in Toledo, if you get a chance, head to Bowling Green and have a meal at Sam B’s. Great food and extensive wine selection. When I lived in Ohio I went to my first ever wine tasting ( a million years ago). They were featuring a new

Drop one pumping session every 3-4 days. Avoid nipple stimulation. Decrease your fluid intake. Your breasts will feel full for a while but it won’t take long for your body to get the message and decrease milk production. Of course be on the lookout for the dreaded mastitis symptoms you mentioned! But if you go slow,

Kara, you are doing the right thing, leaving at the top of your game. For months now, it’s been a national embarrassment to watch these amateur’s feeble attempts at shading, or labeling other folk’s insults as “shade”. You have done your best, and we have learned a lot. The art of shade is real, and not just any ol’

in 2008 I spent many a happy hour scamming the scammers. I would reply to each email with some crazy backstory ..I was an itinerant bong maker...a doctor with lawsuits pending because of uvula transplants gone bad...or I lived in a trailer with my sick mom in Utah...many would answer me and then the game was on. I had