
We’ve seen OTHER Time Lords have cross-gender regenerations, and the Doctor’s comments are easily just him being flippant; Nine once said he might regenerate with no head, but was obviously just kidding to break the tension.

They mention in the episode that after the Master “lived like a king” abusing the citizens for years, they rebelled against him. So he was in disguise to hide from them.

It was such a weird line, and makes no sense as anything other than him being contrary with the Master just for the sake of being contrary.

Imagine if they’d been able to keep it secret from him, and captured his real look of shock when David Bradley showed up.

The setup ISN’T really there, though. We’ve seen every one of the Doctor’s regenerations so far, and they’ve all been male. If every single Time Lord is flipping a male/female coin every time they regenerate, then he’s managed to get the same result 13 times in a row. The odds of that happening are 1 in 8192,

Here’s what we’ve seen of Simm’s timeline so far:
- Regenerated from Yana, then stole the TARDIS
- The Doctor locked the TARDIS so it could only go between modern Earth and the end of the universe, so he couldn’t have gone far
- Killed at the end of The Year That Never Happened
- Resurrected for Tennant’s big finale

Did this already-slow episode grind to a screeching halt for anyone else during the ham-handed scene where Bill thinks she’s introducing the concept of lesbians to a bunch of Romans for the first time?

Didn’t bother seeing the live-action version, but based on the original movie, I don’t believe for a second that the angry “to hell with everything” pre-Belle Beast bothered with bathrooms. He either went outside and rage-pooped on the lawn, or lifted his leg wherever he pleased.

I wish I had thought of it. Maybe I’ll try it myself this summer.

The best instant ramen application I’ve ever had was a beer. Let me explain:

“the ultimate act of wish fulfillment”

I’m not so sure that the monks can see the future per se; rather, thanks to their computer simulation of Earth, they know about events that will happen in the real world (because the simulation has already got there, possibly more than once)

Is it weird that I actually prefer frozen chicken breasts to fresh ones? It’s a bland protein anyway, and I find that the frozen ones have a better texture once they’re cooked; my guess is that the ice crystals act like hundreds of tiny knives tenderizing the meat.

Oh, for crying out loud.... I meant to say “Poe is wearing HAN’S entire wardrobe” but it’s too late to edit.

Finn is wearing Poe’s jacket, Poe is wearing Finn’s entire wardrobe, and Rey has apparently been replaced with Lane from Gilmore Girls.

I see that Poe is joining Lando Calrissian in the exclusive club of “dashing rogues who just straight-up raid Han’s wardrobe when he’s out of commission.”

If you mean “horrified” in that she bounced around like an Invader Zim character, all but telling the Doctor “I made you a cookie but I eated it” and inducing awful LOLRANDUM flashbacks to the early 2000s, then yes, Missy was scary as hell.

They’re both too young for it to make sense that Capaldi would regenerate into them. A middle-aged or upper-middle-aged guy would make more sense.

Was I the only one expecting Wooden Eliza to demand that the Doctor apply lotion, lest he get the hose again?