
Am I the only person who never, in all the times he re-watched A New Hope, EVER noticed a pair of dice in the Falcon cockpit?

So Law and Order: The Dresden Files? Hey, I’d watch it. Considering that the producer’s name already sounds like a supernatural predator, could be interesting.

I’m just here to remark that my previous apartment had exactly the same tiling on the walls. That could almost be my old bathroom.

Am I the only one who thinks something just looked OFF about Shirtless Ren? It looked like they had somehow made Adam Driver wider with CGI, or something.

“Don’t worry, a vasectomy is a completely painless procedure. Now, your urologist today will be Doctor Killmonger.”

Aw man, they changed the CGI for Lockjaw. He looked so good in those early concept shots:

About Bran not knowing already that R+L were married: homeboy has all of time and space that he can watch at any given time. I think it’s reasonable that he wouldn’t know to zoom in on the wedding without someone telling him “Look at this date and these coordinates.”

I figured that if he didn’t have a way to melt through the Wall, he would just have the wights World War Z their way up the side. Yes, the Wall has anti-climber countermeasures, but how many of them would be effective against an undead horde?

I’m basically on the edge of my seat on Tormund’s behalf every time he does anything lovable. The Battle of the Bastards, last night, pretty much all the time.

About Dany’s succession, and her repeated declaration that she can never have children: does she have any proof of that besides a crazy old witch-woman telling her so? I honestly don’t remember if we saw anything else to back that up since.

Cersei’s revenge on Ellaria isn’t just killing the Snake in the same manner as Myrcella and making Ellaria watch; Ellaria is going to be left there to watch her daughter decompose, too. *shudder*

Orange Is The New Black is all just a holonovel that Janeway is playing through in her spare time.

Voyager was the best Trek show, second only to DS9. By cutting Janeway and crew off from the Federation and anything familiar, they made the entire cast more relatable by removing the “post-scarcity” element; replicator rations and Holodeck time became currency, supplies needed to be bought and traded for, etc.

“Boldly go where no woman has gone before”

Their children shall be numerous and web-footed.

Precisely. The entire time Sam was debriding Jorah, I expected a little burst of pus to come out and hit him in the face to infect him with greyscale too.

Maybe I’m just not remembering it very clearly, but wasn’t Barb barely even in the series? I don’t remember her doing much besides A) being exasperated with Nancy’s hormones and B) being eaten by the demogorgon.

#22, The Anarchic Spider-Man

The gambling website BetDSI is letting people bet on who they think will be sitting on the Iron Throne when the series ends, and Gendry is one of the options.

I’m not saying he’s a special case. I’m saying that all of the evidence points to the conclusion that some Time Lords can and some Time Lords can’t change gender during regeneration. You’re the one reaching to find ways to have a female Doctor, when the show’s canon doesn’t support it.