
A great way to save money is by reading free digital copies of Murray Rothbard’s work, so that you understand it is morally wrong for the government to steal from you at gunpoint (and the fact that they waste the money on bureaucrats rather than helping people is just insult added to injury).

Wherever “saving to retirement” bullshit goes, i follow with the light of truth.

“I motored to the Tim Horton’s the other rotation to procure some holed buns and chicory and the queue was meurtre...”

Reminded me of this exchange in Johnny Dangerously:

The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.

Yes, the online campaign was wrong and bad.

This article: written by someone who has never been poor, hungry, and in an unfortunate place where she had to choose which bill couldn’t get paid that month.

Bay leaves are for adding to your containers of grains to keep bugs out. I sprinkle them throughout my pantry for good measure. Had lots of bugs (especially moths) before I started doing this, now have very few. Surely that anecdote proves something.

No! You wash away nutrients, believe it or not, and you’ll just turn it all into one sticky blob.

The trick for me was to blow off the assigned reading in favor of reading for pleasure.

I see you have Jurassic Park in your image. That book is a surefire way to trick anybody into reading because it the most goddamn amazing book ever written. Literally pure fun and excitement the whole way through.

Waspinator, Terrorize! (in his high squeaky voice)

Beast wars is best transformers

That’s a fun theory, but not supported by any of the movies. It’s more of a yen yang dynamic than sexual attraction. They need each other because they’re opposites. If I had it my way, neither Batman nor Joker would have any kind of love interest.

So you just turned the Lego movie into Gaygo?

i grew up in the south where hominy was a frequent side in many meals. i’m shocked when i encounter people who’ve never heard of it, and then delighted when they give it a try.

Oldest son is in Ottawa for school - we drove across the border (1 bridge) & went to Costco in Quebec.

I hope the Cuban people can now get a fair shot with him gone, and America being run by the grown ups again who aren’t afraid to call Castro a dictator wrapped in “communism”.

I have goddamn crohn’s disease and I only have had two times where I’ve had to poop in a non toilet. I don’t get these people.

I’ve often wondered this. Are there THIS many people having extreme bowel accidents to need to do things like stop driving, pull over, and shit over the guardrail? I’m 30 and this has NEVER happened to me, not even close.