Worst car colour I’ve ever seen: the dusty matte-black paint job on a Mustang I see frequently in my father-in-law’s neighbourhood. It looks like a chalkboard on wheels.
Worst car colour I’ve ever seen: the dusty matte-black paint job on a Mustang I see frequently in my father-in-law’s neighbourhood. It looks like a chalkboard on wheels.
I live in Toronto, and honeymooned with my wife in London England. While we were there, I made a point of eating as many snacks I’d never seen before as I could.
Celeriac is really nice mixed into mashed potatoes! Found that out from Ted Allen’s “The Food You Want To Eat”.
Came here to post this! My apartment is in kind of a crappy old building, so we get the occasional cockroach thanks to messy neighbours and careless previous tenants.
How’s this for improving a sport: Build a triangular hockey rink with rounded corners. Three teams and two pucks on the ice, a net in each corner, and phone lines that each coach can use to contact one of the other coaches to organize ganging up on the other team.
Drinking tip: when you have the choice between gin and not-gin, choose not-gin. Unless you’re one of those British psychopaths who enjoy the taste of furniture polish.
In my teenage years, I worked for two years at Value Village (a second-hand store the size of a Target, for anyone unfamiliar with the name). Every now and then, someone would drop a deuce out back by the donated furniture that hadn’t been brought in yet; that was bad enough.
Usually “mom”, “mother” if she’s getting on my nerves or if it would be a funny moment to do so. Never called my wife “mother” or any variation thereof, although oddly enough she has brain-farted a few times and called me “mum”.
To defeat. THE HUNS!
To defeat. THE HUNS!
A couple of years ago, my wife’s best friend came over when we happened to have a bunch of in-shell roasted peanuts around. While the rest of us were eating them like normal human beings she had decided to try eating the shells, based on a tip she’d gotten from a Tinder hookup. She claimed they were really good and…
2016 was a pretty good year for me, personally. I got married, we went to London for our honeymoon (our first time leaving North America!) and I published my first novel :)
If you’re already storing bacon in the freezer, thawing it won’t always be necessary. I freeze mine as little blocks (stack 5 or 6 strips on top of each other, cut in the middle to make two blocks, freeze them seperately) and just cut them into strips straight out of the freezer.
Making your own beer is a great hobby for people without a lot of space; I make it work in a fairly cramped 1-bedroom Toronto apartment. The fermenter and bottles are the biggest space-users, especially if you have a large cooking pot for the actual beer-making already; bottling and measuring tools tend to be long,…
Weird that Castro would even get a funeral. When I get rid of rotten garbage, it just goes straight into a bin and gets carried off by the city.
Okay, is condom-buying-awkwardness an American thing that just hasn’t made it north yet? Up here in Canada, the condom-buying process is literally:
Only thing I’ve ever heard Trump say about LGBT is that he wants to protect them from another terror attack like the Orlando shooting. He didn’t state specifics, but it sounds like a show of support for the “Armed Gays Don’t Get Bashed” movement.
Is the whey any good as an ingredient to add to other things in day-to-day cooking?
The undisputed #1 lamp-lighting mechanism is the lamp my grandmother had on a side table in her reading corner, where you simply touched the metal base of the lamp to turn it on, through 2 or 3 brightness levels, then off. I’ve never seen another one outside of her house.
Not sure if it counts, but I’m rather partial to the Godfather: half whiskey, half amaretto.
Like others are saying, the water wouldn’t do anything to impede the operation of the gun (aside from accuracy and range), but it’s probably been treated somehow to keep seawater from causing undue wear and tear to the moving parts.