
The Root - Where it’s great to be racist, as long as you’re black

Technically, The Root has also said The Root can be racist as fuck against white people, since only white people can be racist according to their definition of racist.

Actually, state and even federal courts have been divided on the issue of vanity plates. The Supreme Court ruled on specialty plates and allowed the state to restrict them, but did not address vanity plates. The discussion has largely centered around plates being an odd blend of personal speech and government speech.

To add to this, if the goal is shoring up math skills for those who are lacking, why make it clear you’re really only targeting black students who are struggling? They occasionally allow a white student or two, so they must have some performance criteria to determine who needs the program, but decided from the outset

I’m not sure I fully understand. Clearly neither the program you mentioned nor the one in this article are CRT. However, if the goal of the program is to shore up education, specifically math or science skills, shouldn’t it’s goal to be shoring up the education of ALL students who are lacking? Why not base the program

My main issues with Paradox games are simple. Firstly, the UI/UX of their games (I’ve played HoI3, Stellaris, and CK2) are often challenging for anyone new to their games. For all of the detail they put into the games, the user is presented with so little information about how to actually play the game.

Sounds a lot like the police officer who told me he was certain I’d been going 95 in a 75 when he saw me (was actually going 80-85), and that another officer in an unmarked police Dodge Durango couldn’t keep up with me I was going so an Altima.

Definitely a “sidegrade,” or just a better option for those who haven’t yet picked up a Switch. I think an OLED Switch screen would be fantastic. I have an OLED Vita, and I think the screen is fantastic. The ergonomics of it as a handheld, on the other hand, I don’t like (it literally hurts my hands to play for long),

That’s why this version is pretty much what people asked for when the previous version happened. The idea that charity was capped at 15% was a bit ludicrous, but most comments at that time said it was understandable that Humble needs funds to function. It was just stupid for them to be claiming a higher percentage

Interesting to read this after having read your other recent article

The spectator sign crash was 45km from the finish of that 198km stage.

The kid obviously shouldn’t have been shot. I’m not trying to justify the officer at all because there is no way imaginable this was a justified shoot.

How exactly do you find the dedicated server list in this new update? I absolutely despise the push toward random matchmaking.

Or they looked at OprahDaily or several black food bloggers’ sites who showed most of these foods for Juneteenth celebrations? The only exception is most of them recommended BBQ chicken, not fried.

Aside from the fried chicken, every one of those food items is listed in Oprah’s foods to celebrate Juneteenth, and by some food bloggers who specifically state they are black. Now, there are also numerous other foods they talk about, too, so maybe those would have been better choices, but it’s not like there aren’t

The card thing was already making me wary of this game, and meant I’d certainly wait for reviews before buying. This along with the card thing means I’ll probably pass on it entirely.

Agreed. Nobody I know likes to drive a U-haul of any shape or size. I’m actually impressed a U-haul is cheaper than a rental car. Last time I moved, the U-haul was advertised at $29.95/day plus mileage, but they also had so many BS fees and add-ons that it ended up being like $80 for the day (obviously that’s with me

Advertorials suck.

Not Fahey, but maybe it shows that simply to clarify there’s no splitscreen?

Edit: according to EastX below, Playstation DOES have splitscreen, but the PC & Switch versions do not.