
I would absolutely LOVE a new Freelancer game!

I hope your side effects are minimal.

You weren’t really following the conversation, were you? MartyVendetta27 literally said the trees and sky do look less videogamey, but that the rest of it looks worse than the regular GTA clip.

“Over 2000 rounds of ammunition” sounds scary to most people who don’t own guns as well. Buying ammunition in bulk generally gets better pricing, and it goes fast if you go to the range very often (and being familiar with your firearms is important for accuracy and safety). I shot 150 rounds the last time I went to

Open carry has been legal in Texas without a permit since 2016. The bills currently in progress are for concealed carry, and don’t override any restrictions for those (like those in this article) who can’t legally have firearms due to felony convictions.

The issue wasn’t HB trying to cover their costs. It was that they went overboard with it with no communication whatsoever. Once people complained, they admitted they’d removed sliders from “some users as a test.”

Interestingly, some Trackmania tracks actually have a track piece (we nicknamed it “engine killer” so I’m not sure it’s real name) that cuts all gas. You can steer, but you’re reliant on your speed to reach the next booster pad. Some track creators have placed these pads right by each other, so you hit the booster,

Technically less than $3/gal in Southern Utah. Well, $2.99/gal at the cheapest station around here, with most being $3.15 or more.

That’s exactly the game I was thinking of!

Except, they’re not on a one-way road. You’d have to expect there to be more road to your left for opposite direction traffic in order to think that the left of the divider was a left turn lane.

Do you normally drive on the opposite direction (the wrong side of the road) when you approach a normal four way intersection if you’re turning left?

Exactly. I might be able to understand those that turn left instead of going around the roundabout if it really were their first time seeing one. However, several of them drive into the intersection on the wrong side of the road (the left of the red dividers). There’s no way they’d think that was the correct way to

I’m in a similar situation. I have a single vehicle, currently a 14 year old ICE vehicle. I’d love to have the benefits of an electric vehicle, but I also know that I drive 300+ miles one way multiple times per year, and have also been on very long road trips (2k - 5k miles within 2-3 weeks). One small hospital I’ve

I’m not quite sure why my post had the link in the correct place when I posted, but now there isn’t a link and my second paragraph’s 1st line is a mess.

It’s not like we haven’t had examples of even popular games’ source code being lost. A quick 2 minute search brings up two highly acclaimed games/game series which had lost source code. Interplay stated in court with Bethesda that they’d lost the source code for the early Fallout games.

And his reason (read: excuse) for not contacting them for permission is that it would be hard to contact 50+ artists for permission to sell their artwork. He really sounds like kind of a lazy dick.

Interesting, I’d never seen that before.

Interesting. I’d never seen that before.

As far as I know Zillow isn’t buying properties/building inventory. They do likely make money off of referring you through their preferred real estate agents and lenders, though.

Thanks for writing this up. Is iron as hard to come by as it sounds? Either way, it sounds like my building is at the limits of what I’ve build it with (regular wood beams, walls, sloped roof sections). I’ve been trying to make cart runs to get copper & tin enough to make some bronze equipment, but the cart is SO hard