
I’m still trying to figure out building. I get the color scheme (blue is grounded, things stacked on top of red pieces will fall), but I have a hard time being able to build a solid roof of anything tall. Any tips?

Others have already mentioned the tip for moving items in inventory to storage & back, but I will agree that worn armor shouldn’t take up inventory slots. The item weight is already a limiting factor (and should be), it shouldn’t also take up one of your item slots. Having pants on doesn’t usually limit what you can

I would have gathered the same from this line:

Similarly, when I got my home mortgage (a few years ago), my credit union and the mortgage company I chose both showed my credit score about 10 points higher than Credit Karma did at the time. I just checked again, and my Credit Karma scores are both 30 points lower than my CU’s FICO 9 score.

“Preemptive pardon” has been typically used to mean a pardon before charges or before a conviction. I’d agree that “preemptive pardons” should not be issued prior to the act itself occurring, and I don’t believe a President should be able to pardon him/herself.

I’m not so sure about that. If you read Ford’s pardon statement, he does not enumerate the specific charges coming. He did limit it to a specific time period, but he stated “...all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the

Now, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United

Shows $200 for me?

Shows $200 for me?

Let me get this out of the way first: I don’t like Trump. I think he’s despicable.

I’m curious, too. My HOA doesn’t allow any signs except for security/alarm signs and yard sale signs (maximum 2 yard/garage sales per year, and two signs allowed - one at the neighborhood entrance and one at the house).

“Some of our older games are no longer patched and have not transitioned to Ubisoft Connect and will still have Ubisoft Club branding even after the release of Ubisoft Connect,”

But we’re presenting it as a slideshow to increase ad-space.

She suggested putting your keys on something called a , which is a kind of keychain based on a small bamboo weapon that can be used to hit your assailant

Not to defend them, but how exactly does The Root not hate white people? I mean, the frequent comment “Fuck white people” sure gives that impression.

Not this shit again. Hating someone due to their race is racist. Stop trying to redefine all definitions of racism to mean “systemic racism.” Systemic racism is a term that already exists.

This is very similar to my experience with my ISP, though my uploads are slightly better. I’m currently on a 100/10 plan for $64/month. They have recently revised their plans. Their current offerings are now 100/10, 300/10, and 1000/20, with the last one costing $130/month.

I suspected it was a combination of little detail on the batteries, being more open about limited profitability, and them announcing a $140k Model S version. If the $25k car had anything to do with it, it was probably due to questionable quality already on the cars they currently make, and worries it’d be worse on a

I just checked, and between GOG and Steam (I switched back when GOG updates were so terribly slow), I’ve put 419 hours into this game. I liked it even when it was new, despite not being all that had been hyped. Now, they’ve put so much more into it even before these last couple of updates, and I’m glad to be getting

So, I haven’t had a chance to check out my planet. On Reddit, several people are reporting new plants on their base planets. Some, however, are saying their actual terrain changed, with one person saying their base is now in the air. Have you had any issues with yours?

I understand, I’ve started from scratch a few times. I enjoyed the game when it first came out, but then life (college) got in the way and I left it for so long, so much changed, I had to start fresh. Later, there were so many big changes I started fresh again. I actually started a new game again at the beginning of