Zach Scott

I hate to But Actually... the criticism of the music, especially because it is bad, but it’s not accurate to say it sounds like “someone at the mixing board randomly turning dials up and down”. It’s pretty clearly inspired by classical music, which has been full of sudden shifts in dynamic and tempo for hundreds of

Then there’s streaming from a Mac, which is definitely possible but a ridiculous pain in the ass (especially as it comes to audio).

I gave GTA online a shot for about two weeks and its supposed charms never became apparent. One easy-to-fix but glaring issue is that you can’t mute other players on voice chat. I lost count of how many sessions were ruined by someone with a terrible microphone that is somehow always on, distorted, and playing barely

Weeks later, I revive this hopping thread to say #releasetheleveleditor RE: the conversation around 40:00 in

One more suggestion that might seem a little odd: The Witness.

Concept art that also reveals an obsession with thigh gap that has gone way too far and threatens to defy the laws of physics.  

3rded, 3D, in time and space

Let’s cut to the chase - how do I get the voice of Tim Rogers on my GPS? Videogames forever. Tim

I’m reminded of the classic caption that works with any New Yorker cartoon: “Christ, what an asshole”

SHOUT OUT TO TIM ROGERS RE: JRPG instruction manuals

Cool, a game featuring the “nice perky breasts” of a “young looking teen”, along with options to buy a slave (3 of which are teens, of course), all in the same screenshot. Why is Kotaku giving publicity to this game?

Oh great, this means videogames will be full of excellent voice acting again (loooooool)

1) I skeptically downloaded this a few days ago and haven’t missed a round since.
2) I know this comment won’t get approved because it’s critical of the game, and plus it’s been over 10 minutes since the article was published.
3) There is something unmistakably dystopian about the concept and implementation of this

Tim, do you know about Ulillillia and his obsession with Bubsy 3D?

Thank you, and also, why did you do this to me.

Uh, there’s still our (much better) women’s team to cheer on.

This is my favorite Tim Rogers video that I’ve seen.

On average, approximately 8.4% of my attempts to comment on Kotaku are ever approved and visible to the public, not because they violate any sort of rule or are offensive, but because they were posted more than 15 minutes after the article was originally published

Fans of The Room - watch this show. Trust me (internet person you don’t know).

Great dance moves!!

One obvious thing that bears mentioning - all the above images are GIFs, which are limited to 256 colors. Not bashing the series, it’s really cool and it illustrates the progression of tech very well! But it’s the Nintendo Switch can pump out more than 256 colors.