Oh man, Nioh.
Oh man, Nioh.
If I wrote a list of my favorite games of 2017, Nioh would not be on it, because I didn’t start playing Nioh until…
My longtime friend Bennett Foddy released his latest game, Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, on Steam on…
You and your videos are absolute dreams and I wish the Youtube channel would put everything you’ve voiced/written/produced into a playlist so I can watch it all at once. Great job!
I played the first 10 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 twice. I made a long video describing the minute details of…
Because here we are, we clicked. With any luck they will have created todays controversial click-fest of an article.
Oh nice, a game about torture, slave management, and sexual abuse. All of this being practiced against, women, I’m guessing? Let’s all treat it like “another sex game” and move on, right? ‘Cause you know, maybe “it’s your kink” right?
My longtime friend Bennett Foddy makes frustrating video games. You might have played QWOP, or GIRP. Somehow, making…
It’s clearly satire.
Being the big, bright, volatile and self-destructive balls of gas they are, stars aren’t really just like us.…