
I agree with you! I even went to a midnight launc to pick up GTA IV, was disappointed and concluded that the series had reached it's peak around GTA Vice City.

I actually bought Drive on Blu-Ray based on recommendation from a friend. I was really disappointed, but I'm unsure if I had set my expectations too high, or if the movie simply isn't my cup of tea.

It was refreshing to see some proper journalism here, in stead of copy-pasted press releases, and as you said, cosplay.

Yes. Just... yes.

Now playing

This is related to Gizmodo's use of the word "hilarious":

Remember a month back, when both Dragon Age III and Half-Life 3 was listed as games to be shown/announced at Gamescom? Well, just one more to go, then. Fingers crossed.

The competition has changed and caught up with - and surpassed Apple in some areas, and I'm pretty sure that when my iPhone 4 will be replaced, it won't be by an Apple device.

iTunes is in the lead? iTunes is by far the worst media player that I've used, and I still believe that the iPod succeeded in spite of - and not because of - iTunes.

After the Ichtyosaur in Half-Life scared the shit out of me, I was terrified every single time I went in the water in Half-Life 2... "They haven't made an updated model just to show it once, have they? HAVE THEY?"

VOTE: Safari.

Over the course of the years working in the technology industry, what has brought you the most joy? And what has kept you from growing tired?

I agree with you on SSX - dodging bottomless pits simply did not make it a fun game for me.

Almost. The biggest problems with aiming for photorealism is that it requires one hell of a job with the animations, unless you want to end up in uncanny valley.

Back when it was released, it was unplayable on ATI cards as far as I could remember. My friend and I had pretty equal gaming rigs, only difference was that he had an Nvidia card, while I had an ATI. His went smooth, mine was a slideshow.

I sure as hell hope they do a better job than they did at the Gears of War PC port. That thing was a trainwreck.

Solid piece of phone. The battery life was excellent, and it served nicely as a bottle opener as well.

VOTE: Ubuntu

All you need is the right set of instructions!

Until it's been well proven that wireless networks have no negative effect at all, a fact I think will be busted in a few years time, I'll be more than happy to stick with wired broadband, and I do prefer home plug networks over Wi-Fi.

VOTE: Jawbone Era.