
When our children in the future asks us what happened to the internet, which used to be a place of free speech and free flow of ideas, we can point back at events like this and tell them that we as a society fucked it up.

Raise a hand, anyone who trusts a company whose primary source of income is your personal information to delete anything.

Yes. Yeees. Flatout 2 was a ton of fun in multiplayer, and seeing how I'm a bastard who pirated it, I have tried to redeem myself by preordering NRG.

Hey, it's Windows 8!

I really, really, really wanted to like Hotline Miami, but the difficulty was a total deal-breaker for me. And I'm not saying that that makes it a bad game, it just makes it a game I was unable to enjoy.

She has a valid point. I actually though that Last of Us was the game she was appearing in.
Could not have remembered the name "Beyond Two Souls" to save my life.

To me, this shows how much more dependant Sony are on the PlayStation brand.

If the PlayStation fails, Sony will have a major problem, but if the Xbox One fails, Microsoft can always keep selling Office-licences. This could explain why Sony seems a bit more hungry this time around, as opposed to the rather well-fed

"I might give up my other consoles for this"

Sure, if your other consoles are Gamecube and Wii.

My first computer was a 386 SX-16MHz with a whopping 4MB of RAM, and I got it when I was eight or nine. My father was the one who bought it, and not specifically for me, but I was the one who ended up using it the most.

TL;DR: "Now that I'm an indie developer, I need to gain street cred by trash talking the mainstream devs."

If this is true, I think it would be fair to assume that this is a safety feature built in to the (first batch of) devkits. After one of the supposed devkits was sold (or atleast put up for auction) on eBay, this would seem like a sensible counter-measure.

Has anyone tried comparing the PC version to the Xbox 360 version? Based on the videos I saw prior to buying the game, I feel like the Xbox 360 is starting to show its age with this game.

This is all a huge misunderstanding - Mojang did not pay anyone to party. They did, however, pay someone to "socialize". ;-)

Your tomb? Untouched for thousands of years?

"When Justin Beiber announced he had a girlfriend, there probably weren't too many girls so distraught they stopped being a fan."

A well-executed Steam Box will end this next generation of consoles.

To anyone discussing ESRB ratings, kids ruining online gamings - there's a time and place for everything, and boy have you missed the mark.

Does the Commodore 64 count? If not, a 386 SX 16MH< with 4MB RAM and a 40MB hard drive. Good times!

I think they loved spending time with their dad, and the activity was alright.

Does anyone actually like this company anymore? Apple's likeability has taken a hard decline after Jobs' demise.