
I mean, this is whatever. A good version of this (for me) would be a simple “Skip to Next Checkpoint” option. Because I am old and suck at some games and do not have the time to bash my head against the same scene over and over while I die a thousand times.

Correct, that won’t win because it’s not something people can buy, which is the whole point of these polls. Moving on...

Correct, that won’t win because it’s not something people can buy, which is the whole point of these polls. Moving

Still loving my G710+. The USB pass-through is a particularly convenient feature. Perhaps the biggest drawback for some is that it looks too professional...it doesn’t have 3 different neon colors, it’s just black, gray, some orange highlights, and white light. It doesn’t look like a gaming peripheral, which is one of

Still loving my G710+. The USB pass-through is a particularly convenient feature. Perhaps the biggest drawback for

VOTE: The RamMount.com X-Grip series

Vote: FiiO E6

Why: I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily the BEST in terms of audio quality, but if you have headphones that are higher-than-normal impedance and need an amp, it doesn’t get much more cost effective than the $27 FiiO E6. It’s really tiny and portable, simple to use, and comes with three equalizer settings. I

I gotta give it to the man for not performing while his audience yells ‘Dance, Monkey. Dance.’

They eat Apple up 1) because it’s a status symbol, and 2) because there’s no real domestic competitor. Sony Ericsson is the only Japanese phone maker that ever really had any market share, and they’re all but extinct at this point.

It’s less that Microsoft doesn’t know what their doing and more that Japanese gamers are incredibly habitual and “home team” loyalistic. If you think Western gamers are bad with their corporate loyalty...

Wow Apple just got beat up by a little girl.

It doesn’t share majority of the code, though.

The methodology for this is hilariously bad. It’s not showing what costs people in the country search for. It shows what costs Americans search for in that country. Hence why most of them skew towards various American stereotypes of things in that country. It’s why, for example, Costa Rica is retirement, Japan is

You can actually use both (controller for driving and K+M for shooting), since it lets you seamlessly switch between the two.

You are correct.

This has always felt inevitable to me. It might be in ten years' time, it might be twenty, but I'll tell my grandkids you could spend your entire life on the internet anonymous, and they'll look at me like I was a cowboy in the Wild West.

The GoPro he referenced is the budget model released a few months ago, which costs roughly twice as much as this one for similar specs. Why compare it to a camera 6 times its price with a completely different audience?

Even Sony has something cheaper. When that happens you know you're doing something wrong.

Counterpoint: dumplings.

I'd be so happy if this and other sensibly priced action cams could bring go pro down back to earth.

"It's an investment," he said. "When you invest in this company, you invest in it. If you did invest in the company, I spent the money on ordering a certain amount of Delta Sixes. So if, all of a sudden, you don't want it, it's [not possible]. It's not like you bought the purchase. You didn't purchase a product. You

Dear manufacturers: USB 3.0 or GTFO.