I bought the Boxee Box a year ago, and I've been really happy with it. Looks neat, plays anything, requent updates and its wife acceptance factor is high.
I bought the Boxee Box a year ago, and I've been really happy with it. Looks neat, plays anything, requent updates and its wife acceptance factor is high.
Sure, take the easy way out. Let someone else care about encrypting passwords and keeping them secure.
This didn't work out too well for the Das Boot-guys.
I'll just keep my Boxee Box, thank you.
Well, OS X has had Steam for almost two years now (and Blizzard have a good reputation on delivering to Mac users), but Apple's main focus seems to be pushing iOS ports through the App Store.
Oh, lord, here we go again. As a redhaired, and might I add, excruciating handsome man, I find it embarrasing seeing how many people who have jumped on the ginger hate wagon.
28 years later, this ad is more ironic than iconic.
Hahaha! I'd promote you if I could! Most excellent, good sir.
Didn't play the previous SSX games, but I still kept hitting the rewind button all the time in the demo.
Glad to see I'm not the only one! I picked up Amped 3 as soon as it was released, and I really don't think it deserved all the criticism it got. I enjoyed the hell out of it, and still do. One of few games I got a full 1000 achievement points on.
Touchpads and touch screen don't come close yet. The mouse reign superiour still.
When Twitter integration is a key selling point, I'll be staying the hell away from this.
At least Microsoft doesn't charge for service packs. Still regretting my Lion purchase last year, Snow Leopard worked a lot better on this machine. (MBP early 2010)
For a comprehensive list of Microsoft codenames, see Wikipedia. I'm glad Microsoft didn't stick with "DirectX Box".
One day, the graphic community will come to realize that Adobe software is also available for Windows. By the way, is a new Mac Pro coming, or will I have to force our designers at work to switch to Windows soon?
In Louis C.K.'s voice: "Oh, I wonder what the benefits of putting your phone in a foam ball are... YOU IDIOT! Why the f**k would that excist!?"
I've found that the XBLA demos actually give a quite fair representation of what you will be paying for, and besides - once you've downloaded the game for free, chances that you'll say "Well, this doesn't really feel like a purchase" and still keep the pirated games are quite big.
A bad investment? Really? Buying a $20 sleeve for my iPhone sure beats having to pay $400 for a new one every time I drop it, which happens from time to time.