
I can't wait to get Super Cancer because of this.

Because my loathing of iTunes has been steady for the last five years at least, I don't think I would've owned an iPhone if it weren't for Spotify. This is how to synchronize music without screwing up your entire library.

If only Blizzard could do the same for Battle.net. (Or have they already done it?)

I love Half-Life and Half-Life 2, but I'm really glad that Valve have expanded into other franchises instead of focusing all their time on Half-Life. Both Portal and Left 4 Dead are series I really enjoy, and I still play from time to time.

VOTE: InterfaceLift.

Well, this is all fine and dandy, but where's Trials Evolution? The one XBLA-title I'm actually looking forward to.

I'm using this exact kit at home, and it works like a charm. Got my workstation on the second floor, and a Boxee Box in the living rom downstairs. Getting at least 100mb/sec in speedtests, and no packet loss what so ever.

VOTE: Final Cut Pro 7.

Hold on just a minute, isn't this what All Points Bulletin did with some poor guy?

Astro Studios ([www.astrostudios.com]) did the design for the Xbox 360, and has done other stuff for Microsoft as well (*ahem* Zune HD), and I loved the job they did with the Boxee Box, so it would be nice if they took another shot at the Xbox.

I would love to see they do the entire exterior of the Titanic as well. Based on the footage seen here, I think it would actually look better than the CGI-shots of the Titanic from the movie.

Are you running 640x480 with a browser unable to handle transparent images?

VOTE: Dropbox

I'm really excited for this game, since I'm left with bringing out Amped 3 every winter (that Shaun White game was, in my must huble opinion, a broken mess).

And the Chinese business man shouts "we gotta copy that! Z-Box 1080 Super Cloud Gaming Platform Console For Fun in stores soon!".

China, shut down your Ion Cannon program, or there will be consequences!

I bought my Xbox 360 on the Eurpean launch date; december 2 2005, and I registered my gamertag a couple of weeks prior. So it's about six years old at this point, and I haven't changed my tag in this time.

My guess is that they found either a flaw in vBulletin, or managed to find a user with a lackluster password. Now, they might have a copy of the database, but the passwords are still encrypted.

I still can't get over the fact that they forgot to include a remake of the old Halo multiplayer, but with Live-support. Halo: Reach's multiplayer won't cut this cheese.

Gears of War 3. Still have to complete the co-op campaign, and think a couple of rounds of Horde 2.0 could be fun.