
No. If they had only done a pure cosmetic upgrade, there would've been no way in hell I'd upgrade. As I mentioned above, the current speed and features of the iPhone 4 doesn't leave me wanting the 4S, but things might've been different if they'd upped the screen size or weight of the device. As with my 3G, I assume I

I've got an iPhone 4, and I simply can't see why I would upgrade. Worst part is, if they had upgraded the design a bit, I might've been tempted. I have no problems with the speed of iPhone 4, so I stay.

Yep. iTunes 10.5 Beta 7.

Macs are equal to other PC's when it comes to graphic arts, since most of the work are done on multiplatform applications. The only reason I bought my MacBook Pro was for Final Cut Pro, and I'm on the verge on converting back to the latest Adobe Premiere, yet remaining on the Mac since I've already paid for it.

I'll just leave this here.

So, what you're saying is that my Blu-Ray player can be used for online gaming as well? Huzzah!

Seeing how USA's debt to China is over $1 trillion, I assume they could run their space program a couple of times on interest alone.

My dad has had one of these since the mid-80s...

The only OS in this line-up which really deserves to rest in the hall of shame is Windows Me, which Microsoft actually apologized for. I'm still using Windows Vista x64 for my workstation at home, and ever since SP1 it's been working well.

Holy crap! This came totally out of left field for me, I had no idea they were working on something new. Hopefully we'll get an upgraded Source engine with the trusted CS formula, and I cross my fingers that the next Half-Life installment's release date will be announced just as sudden as this.

...probably S04E03. ;-)

Can't shake the feeling that id sticks to their fine tradition of making nice-looking game engines with a mediocre game attached. I'll pass, thanks.

Some of those commenting here are utter morons. Judging from the comments, this manifest is what makes him an asshole, not the fact that he murdered 92 people in cold blood.

Aaaaand a few more. Help yourselves! :-)

Just two more, and I'm done for today, still got a couple left. Stars are appreciated. ;-)

Here's a couple more. Paying subscribers get two invites pr. month, so I've got a bunch stocked up:

Here's a couple of invite codes for those who want them:

For me, the controller is the main reason why I choose to play multiplatform titles on my Xbox 360 instead of on the PlayStation 3. I've always felt that the PlayStation controller is too small for my hands, and it's uncomfortable to use, especially for longer gaming streaks. I kinda wished they would've done a bit of

VOTE: µTorrent

If you want to blame Gearbox for anything, blame them for the game actually being completed. Why change such a famous name?