
He's back, and like 99% of people on Twitter, he's not funny.

Xbox Live - Online gaming

I have to ask, why is everyone getting wet just talking about Adium? I installed it when I first got my Mac, and I just don't see why people think it's frickin' awesome. What am I missing here?

When my Xbox 360 RROD'ed, it was repaired and returned to me within two weeks, and I didn't even have the time to miss it that much. No big deal for my case.

Kanye sweats so much he's almost out of focus for the entire video. He also sweats a lot.

AMEX or Discover Card just wouldn't be practical for me, as VISA is the card I'm guaranteed any store in Norway will accept.

Valve has yet to disappoint me with their games, and as long as they can continue their tradition of storytelling and immersion into multiplayer games I don't have any issues with this. The Gears of War-franchise is a great example of how multiplayer can be used to enrich the main campain part of the game - trading a

The fact that they do not know if credit card information has been stolen or not makes me trust Sony even less. I still havent forgotten the infamous rootkit scandal ("Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"), and this does not make me a happy camper.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will not make Sony or Microsoft announce and release their next generation consoles prematurely. From what I've read this will finally bring Wii up to speed with their consoles in terms of raw hardware, and it just doesn't seem like the start of an entirely new hardware

That was what, two years ago? Welcome to 2011, buddy.

I'd like to see an average of followers, and how many tweets go un-RT'ed or unreplied. Twitter has a lot of people saying very little.

VOTE: Skype

I don't think I've ever seen an HD remake where the difference is less than this. If they were going to do it, they could've done it right.

In order, from left to right:

@MrGOH: And it's all thanks to these gosh darned Internets! Now that everyone is buying their games on Steam and everyone's cousin is playing World of Warcraft nobody is playing on the PC anymore.

Oh, ho, ho. Somebody's getting a termination of employment notice for Christmas!

I actually went a head and purchased one this weekend, as an impulse buy. Came with a 30-day guarantee from the store, so if I weren't happy with it I could return it. Gave me a bit more incentive to buy, as I weren't sure how it'd work in my appartment.

This has been a long time coming, but finally we're going to see a sequel to Sim Copter!

I guess these "sakura" doesn't exactly make heaps of cash.

Straight from the luscious hills of Uncanny Valley and straight into your hearts! Ladies and gentlement, give it up for... this thing.