
Right. It's exactly the same as asking what a sonnet is. I love it when commenters pretend they're from some other, ultra-progressive planet and simply cannot grasp our puritanical ways here on Earth. How about, "I think that's a question for your parents to answer" with a follow-up call to ask mom and dad their

I'm hoping this response is not serious. First, the reason I am discussing first and foremost the negative consequences of sex is because that's the fucking reason to teach it it school. Not because it feels awesome, but because it can cause disease and pregnancy and as such is a public health thing. And yes, some

I don't think you understand what masturbating is.

Masturbation can get you pregnant? Shit.

Yeah, and teachers are fucking brilliant. No thanks.

I have two kids that I hope will come to me with their questions. That being said, even if they don't come to me, I would be pissed beyond belief if I found out a teacher was discussing masturbation with them. Again, you can't lump it in with sex because sex can cause disease and pregnancy. Somehow, we in the US

How about, "ask your parents kid". Again, this is not a public health issue.

Same with dildos.

Designers don't make clothing for plus sizes for the same reason that Ed Hardy didn't want Jon Gosselin wearing his stuff.

Can I get it in Engrish?

It's not a matter of whether or not it's productive. The fact is, unlike other sexual activity, how many kids are going to have to suffer serious consequences in life if they don't learn from their teacher about jerking off? At some point, let it go. It makes progressives look asinine.

Ok, I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion here, but I'll say it anyway. I kind of agree that there is little use in teaching kids about masturbation. Sex can lead to pregnancy or STDs, but masturbating leads to neither. Somehow, for the past, oh, I don't know, forever, kids have been able to figure out the whole

Okay, this one ,add me laugh

Thank you for sharing your completely unique story about the time you were driving behind someone who wasn't paying attention. It was fascinating.

Well go care less then.

Jesus didn't say that.

Look at how many people just decided you're a moron. Congrats.

Yes, paying for gender reassignment surgery is precisely the same as paying for wars or roads. I'm sure you would have the same view if it was Richard Speck or Ariel Castro who wanted elective surgery. Assholes.

I bought a Tim Hauck jersey the day after he almost paralyzed Irvin. Fuck him.

Yeah, it was just unfortunate that some decent bands, like Crüe, got lumped in with poison and ratt.