The grunge movement also prematurely ended the run for motley Crüe. dr. Feelgood was awesome.
Hardest troll ever.
That's a good lookin fella right there.
The nba has a team named the Pelicans?
Why the fuck are people still getting journalism degrees? The fact that you went to college to get a journalism degree should disqualify you from any job that involves critical thinking or insight.
But if we're talking "worst" it deserves some mentioning. Trust me, I'm no fan.
Please enlighten me on your definition of a sport.
His broadcasting during September 11 was better than most news organizations and his movie Private Parts was decent as well.
Oh, corporations always consider themselves like little countries. For example, " the athletes here at Nike are the best in the world. " That being said, glad I don't have to lik. Halliburton.
Where in the story did it say Haliburton County?
"As incredible as it has been to meet these individuals, I can now definitively state that Haliburton is home to the most incredible celebrity that I have encountered in my travels."
Not sure where to post this as I don't see a thing for tips, so I'll leave this here. A federal judge yesterday said GameStop could be sued for selling used games bc they don't have the same codes, and therefore features, as a new game. If this was covered I missed it. Anyway. Bye.
I do criminal defense and family law is fucking shady. It seems like the lawyers squabble until there's no actual cash left and then they settle.
Thanks for sharing a story with us which was about how your proposal wasn't memorable.
I was at the Dana Jacobson thing. It was amazing.
It's been like three years, do we really need to see another photo of Favre's nubby dong?
In all fairness, I bet the slaves were really hot.