
Maybe NY Jets coach Rex Ryan has prepared for impending firing and gotten a job at Google.

Or the least cencored by the suggestion engine

Serious question? Ehm, foot fetishists?

Oh, brother. Robots only know what humans teach them, so of course they will wind up carrying our biases! Take this from someone who is steeped in the social robotics world on a daily basis.

Yep! I agree. I totally got what you were going for. :)

When you sign up for things like this, you're taking a risk. When I signed up for Anita Sarkesian's Kickstarter, she had already been successfully making videos on tropes in things besides video games so I had a high degree of confidence that she would deliver and it would be worth the investment.

Choice: Texas Review

Oh no, my Nana's innocence!

Welp, there goes my dream of becoming a pampered Italian mistress.

This is from an interview with a musician. She is not a scholar or an academic and she may not even know what intersectional feminism is. This was an off-the-cuff remark (made in person, and not on the internet!) and most of the interview is about her struggle with depression after losing multiple family members in a

What are you talking about? I mean in all honesty. Being a part of feminist circle, we have white, black, hispanic, LGBTQ and men. We see things differently, but we have one common goal. That is what she is saying. It seems to me that you are angry about something totally different (that has nothing to do with this


Holy crap did you miss the point. Quick, look up! No, up higher. Way, way higher. That's the point sailing so far over your head it's rather ludicrous.

Neko Case is a goddamn inspiration. For real, I don't know that I can relate to you if hearing her music/reading her thoughts doesn't make you feel 100% stronger and more ready to kick ass.

Don't tell my girl Neko to go fuck herself.

I would like to disabuse our community of the notion that, just in general, the problem with women is that group of women over there. There are no good guys and bad guys. We're all kind of sucking at this solidarity thing, myself included. Instead of speaking righteously, we need to fix what's going on in our own

So, I'm just supposed to take a picture of my bookshelf for this? No planking or smacking anyone with jugs of milk or whatever? This seems very easy. What is the catch? With the internet, there's always a terrifying, porn-y catch.

One shelf out of nine. Bonus kitty.
mic drop

The funniest thing about the hard-on for the GOP being "good for the economy" is that lots of correlations show that the Dems grow the economy more. Now, it could be complete statistical happenstance, but I doubt that the POTUS really affects the economy much beyond maybe appointments to the Fed and Treasury.

I get what you're saying but fuck man. Even at 15 I understood that killing people was wrong and on those days I was particularly bored I was more than happy to abuse myself with internet porn rather than grab a gun and shoot someone.