
Exactly! Part of writing is research and she didn't complete her research. I love this show, but I'm super interested in people's criticisms. There are problematic elements *cough Bennet and Daya cough* and there are probably some that I missed, but all of the ones she mentions are either factually incorrect or

I've read a couple of criticisms of OITNB now that I disagreed with, only to find out that the author hadn't actually finished the series. And I think there's a reason for that. The show starts out very much through Piper's privileged lens. We see the prisoners the problematic way that she sees them. Then, as Piper

There are consequences. Shorter hours means having to keep more employees around, meaning higher overhead. Also, probably higher turnover and more scheduling difficulties. It may turn out to negate the benefits savings.

Crazy-Eyes does have a name. It is Suzanne. Suzanne is an incredibly vibrant character. Her backstory, with her mental illness struggles and the way she has managed to cope with it, is one of the best character arcs ever. 'Dandelion' has worked it's way into my lexicon, as a word for something that looks beautiful and

Yeah, if I tried to watch half a movie and submit a paper on it to one of my professors, saying, "Well, I didn't want to finish it because it was problematic, so I only wrote a criticism of the first half," I'd fail for insufficient research.

Hmm... I haven't read her entire piece, but from what is posted here I can see her point.

Or, you know, it could be a well-written, hilarious,engrossing show with one of the best, no, ONLY ensemble female casts, ever. I fail to see the problem with the behaviors she's complaining about from the "wildly racist tropes". The black people say they like fried chicken while acknowledging the stereotype; I don't

Almost everyone you've listed. There's also . . .

Next week better be hollandaise sauce so I can benedict the hell outta these poached eggs.

tipper gore is the worst tipper

Alright - We'll call it a draw!

I LOLed, then read it to MrNakedKitty. He also LOLed. A++

This is something that infuriates me too. I don't know the term for it, but it's sort of the epistemological corollary of moral equivalence. Whenever there are differing views, no matter what flat out science-denying idiocy one of them is, the narrative becomes about how there are two sides to every story, and one

Part of what's infuriating about this is the complicity of our media. Articles get written, DJs "discuss", TV personalities "debate" these issues as if both sides are telling the truth.

I would judge you more harshly but I have been a Jez commenter for too long to look down on anyone for rising to the bait.

You will never defeat Captain Counterfactual! Seriously, it's impossible, also not worth the effort.

MoGlo is on FIRE.

Kronos, the god who ate all his children to protect his own power.

classic BS-er.