I think they misprinted "two years". It should say "Forever"
I think they misprinted "two years". It should say "Forever"
Schools, from the ground up, should not be for profit. End of story. Anything that provides a service that should be open and equal to all people as a basic right should not be for profit
"You Don't Have to be a Rich Asshole to Raise a Successful Kid:
I saw a preview for this and was interested. Until I saw it was three hours. THREE HOURS.
I bet she really loves her dad. So much that she basically married him.
Its 2013 last time I checked. Come back at me with this election bullshit in late 2015 at the earliest
Totally normal
That's just....wow.
In rational terms explain how women criticizing GTA V is irrational.
However you'd like to characterize feminism is your business. Clearly you've decided that Feminism is an outdated practice because we're in the post-everything culture. Post-activism, post-racism, post-sexism, post-gay, post-political, post-intellectual, post-New Deal, post-Reaganomics. We seem to think that because…
Hahaha lemme guess: engineer?
spoiler alert: Her and Daddy Warbucks join the Church of Scientology where she becomes part of the SeaOrg and is never heard from again
Well here's something that might shock you: some people do need to learn how to think critically because they have no idea how. And the Liberal Arts is an umbrella for multiple disciplines which introduce students to various perspectives on the human experience in and outside the context of regional culture.
Hahaha so I'm pointing something out about women so I must be a woman, is that your logic here? Because men like me wouldn't have opinions on that? By that solid reasoning you're really a dude portraying himself as a woman to be a troll MRA. Which, unless you have pics to prove it, is the only explanation as to why…
Well thank God you've absolved men from thinking about how women are portrayed. I mean, its almost as if some women were tired of being treated like the background to a white male murder fantasy.
As it should be for this is the rise of Edith!
Probably because she writes for Slate.
To be fair, for every American doing a British accent, there are 5 more British actors playing American