
I think Sokka’s sexism is important because it’s not just him; when the Gaang gets to the Northern Water Tribe, Katara is told she can only train as a healer because that’s the role for women who are water benders there. Sokka has just picked up the customs of the earlier generations, and like a lot of the stuff

There was a lot about DD I wasn’t a huge fan of. The lack of courses was a big one — even more glaring in retrospect as every MK game after that one did the thing of having 16 new courses + 16 retro courses. And for a game with relatively few courses, they needed to all be absolute home runs — which they weren’t.

Burnedin Chatbot wrote earlier: “Regardless of your personal feelings on AI thinking that it’s just going to magically go away is insanity.”

Talentless people defending harmful actions doesn’t make those actions any less harmful.

Imagine simping for AI art and thinking you aren’t a massive cunt.

Spoken as someone who does not understand art or technology.

I see the appeal of using the ps5 controller but ultimately this would’ve been a buy for me if it worked with streaming.  Not allowing me to play BG3 while my kid plays Fortnite sucks but I get it.  Not letting me use it at all if he’s playing is a no-go.  I’d buy one at maybe $125 for being able to play in the bed

Ooooor use your phone, save your money.

That’s like saying Miles shouldn’t be able to wear a dashiki because he’s not from Africa. As for the mixed race and not Wakandan argument, society sees mixed race Black folks as Black. Afro-Cubans? Black. Afro-Puerto Ricans? Black. My son will be seen as Black first and foremost, even though my wife is Mexican.

They’ll beat that horse until the day we see an article for Switch 2 confirmed, if it keeps pulling in money I get it, Nintendo is going to Nintendo. 

That movie is an abomination against God.

This is extremely generous to Diamonds’ presentation of Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, which is fully in “let’s make fun of the homosexuals!” territory. Off the top of my head, there’s Mr. Kidd commenting on Miss Case: “She’s attractive ... for a girl”, which elicits a disapproving look from Mr. Wint. Then there’s the final


No! Don’t do that!!! Neither Guild has called for a consumer boycott, and until they do any sort of cancellation is literally negligible! If they do call for a consumer boycott, it’s important to do it en masse and AS A RESPONSE to their call, to show their support. Doing it now achieves nothing, even if you tell the

“Now Link, it’s time for you to find the sword that binds evil… The Master Sword!”

Unfortunately, Nintendo has been a little indirect in its messaging about how Breath of the Wild and its sequel slot into the established chronology of Zelda, because according to producer Eiji Aonuma and director Hidemaro Fujibayashi, they take place at the end of the timeline, but which of its branching stories it

Zelda just appropriated Link’s house because she’s royalty and can do shit like that without repercussions.

congratulations you can buy ONE piece of gear.

I want to experience the game more than I want to grind rupees. 

This getting cancelled was a definitive example to me that Netflix was becoming a trash service with trash content. As the article says this was, and remains, one of the best Fantasy series in years - and perhaps the better Dark Crystal story, if I’m honest.