
He became YouTube famous for counting to 100,000 on camera in one loooooong take.

You know what I say every time I see a PC game that I can’t play because I haven’t sunk 2k+ into a PC gaming rig?

I don’t say anything. I move on.

...Honestly the fact that some people can’t grasp that concept is unreal.

I interpreted that to mean that of course the story that G.R.R.M. established in the base game will carry over, but he didn’t write the DLC... So hopefully the expansion will include new demigods whose names start with something other than G, R, or M.

I mean, did you not see season 1 of True Detective? All sorts of supernatural creepy imagery, references to Lovecraft, Carcosa, the Yellow King... and then in the end it was a close knit group of sexual predators in a small town, and all the supernatural stuff was just Matthew McConaughey’s drug flashbacks. I haven’t

0% chance it will play out like that- Calling it now, she’s going to tragically die of cancer instead. There’s just no way anyone would get away with shooting a child dead in a PG movie after 1985.

Oh man... You think sexism doesn’t belong in a kids show? Just wait until you get to the unchecked toxic nationalism and mass genocide! From a Nickelodeon cartoon, no less!

Yup, the mindless grinding/mining for resources was hands down the absolute worst part about Breath of the Wild, and they decided in Tears of the Kingdom to somehow make it WORSE. There’s nothing quite like doing some fun exploring on a quest, only to have to cut it short to head to the depths to mine for ore so you

I would absolutely love to see Double Dash make another appearance... having just recently replayed it, I can say there are some quality of life improvements over the years that it could sorely use (getting rid of the “unique super weapons” being one of them- while they can be interesting, the way they were

“Considering how unexpectedly weird and different most Nintendo consoles are from the previous ones, I don’t put a lot of stock in analysis that says “the same, but more powerful”.

Cuphead. I absolutely adore the art style; It really does feel in every way like you’re playing an actual 1930s cartoon... but very quickly you realize that achieving that artistic style is VERY resource intensive for a small development team, resulting in a lack of substantial content- either players are going to

A more apt comparison would be hand crafted products produced by skilled craftsman being replaced by cheap plastic crap from overseas... still costs the same, since all the profits head straight to the top, and you’re left wondering why nothing these days is built to last anymore.

Do yourself a favor and start

The only “problem” that is going to be alleviated is the ease of which we can tell that it is AI; The real problem, that AI will wipe out the art field when no one is getting paid to make it anymore, is just getting revving up... and AI improving will only make that worse.

It’s wild to me that literally no one saw this and thought, “ummm... that’s not how sleds, balloons, or fishing poles(??) work.”

They had some lowly junior designer throw a prompt in, and then drop the XBox type treatment in and call it a day.

Do you not understand how living in a capitalist society works? If you can’t make a living with your art, you’re not going to have time to practice your art (since, you know, you have to waste all your time in some other soulless dead end job), and you certainly aren’t going to spend thousands of dollars on an arts

It’s always comforting to see someone who gets why AI taking over art is a very bad thing, but in case it wasn’t clear enough, here’s how it all goes down:

I always find it funny seeing people complain about the time sink of re-renting gear in this game; I’ve played through it three times, twice of which were on the far harder “hero” mode, and not once did I have to re-rent a single piece of gear... Any time you die, you have the choice to continue (and lose all your

I wouldn’t call it a direct sequel either... For one thing, it includes exactly zero references or specific story beats from LTTP, and in some places the stories outright contradict each other (both games having wildly different “seven sages” that are in no way related, being one of them.)

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I would hope a remake would try to up the graphics game... Upsampling sprites ala Tactic Ogre is okay, HD-2D like Triangle Strategy is better, but I’d really love to see the cartoon watercolor of the original concept artwork incorporated into the entire game (Bravely Default appeared to

I feel the same way about Zelda... it’s wild to me the amount of effort people put into trying to shoehorn all of these different stories together into one coherent narrative, which involves multiple branching timelines and is frankly a hot mess... how about we just treat these as they are meant to be treated- as

Netflix is great at self-fulfilling prophecies... many an article has been written about the ‘Netflix cancellation loop’, which this article touches on- At some point everyone will realize that very few, if any, Netflix shows make it past two seasons, which will result in no one bothering to invest time in a Netflix