
From a straight up quality standpoint, I must confess: I don’t think this video looks as dogshit as everyone is saying. That said I also don’t think that it looks incredible or like animation. The article puts it very well in saying that it’s AI assisted rotoscoping - except animation on a rotoscoped project still can

Whoever insisted commercial art isn’t art is an asshole that doesn’t respect labor or craft.

It’s literally the exact same people pushing this. And of course they’re recycling the same tired arguments. If they were creative enough to come up with new arguments, why would they need AI?

Overtly defining AI-generated images as “plagiarism” seems like a slippery slope that could lead to any art provably influenced by another person’s art as plagiarism.

That’s fine but we don’t have UBI and if fiscal conservatives have their way the next pandemic will kill every worker in existence, assuming they haven’t been ground up by the robot that replaced them. It’s all well and good to push for a utopian existence when capitalist psychos aren’t trying to bankrupt everyone who

Oh my God. If you’re going to parrot leftist rhetoric, at least try and understand it.

Here’s my regular reminder that you people have a problem with capitalism, not a problem with technology. All this pearl clutching over displaced artists completely misses the point that in a just world, the artists could continue to make their art without the threat of poverty and new technology like this wouldn’t

Told you that these corporate/tech bro shills are trying to turn creative human labor obsolete through AI. There’s a reason they’re trying to criminalize artists in general - they’re forcing an ‘easy’ and ‘ethical’ narrative that benefits only them. For instance, they call artist “privileged” because they built their

Well, Disney DID film shows back in the 90's at Disney MGM Studios (before it was renamed to Hollywood Studios), and we know that DeSantis lives in the past, so...

Me since at least last gen: See a game that looks cool, put it on my wishlist, keep an eye out for reviews of the base game and dlc, once everything’s released buy the complete edition with all the dlc and fixes for a fraction of the original asking price.

To be clear, both Bravely Default and Bravely Second also solved the problem of random encounters by giving you access very early on to a fully adjustable encounter rate slider, you could reduce encounters to 50% or even remove them entirely to just explore at leisure. You could also double them if you wanted to grind!

God those character models are ugly as fuck. I'm not sure what it is exactly. The more realistic lighting just doesn't work with that art style I guess. They look like weird cheap dolls.

I guess it’s canon now; Luigi is officially the wurst Mario brother.

When Jimmy Fallon did the reunion bit and that joke came up her face was priceless.

Agreed on FFVIII. The junctioning system made me want to scream.

Well, the fact that a game could instigate so much transphobia because of a muscular cis woman instead of *the actual trans character in the damn game* will certainly be a prime example of the Gamer™ mindset for many years.

Having watched it again, I’ll offer up a new theory about the goat- so during the movie, we never actually see the goat go into the cave... It’s present when the cave opens at the beginning of the movie, and we naturally assume it was also in the loop when Sarah uses it as a test subject, but at no time do we see it

alpha horror fans are the biggest losers. the only two reactions are ‘that’s not horror’ or ‘that didn’t scare me’.

When someone has proven their film-making bona fides as thoroughly as Scorcese, or Tarantino, or Jarmusch, then their opinion is usually worth listening to, even when they’re talking about films outside their own wheelhouse, and even when that opinion is wildly at odds with one’s own.

The very thin line between”fear” and “tension” is why it’s often near impossible to differentiate a horror from a thriller. I have to say though, this is the first time I’ve ever heard Shutter Island brought into that debate, and for good reason.