You Mincing Ninny

Corporation can not be in any case be equal to person. So no, corporations would not get a thing from this.

That's becuase of the way defense contracts are designed. Everybody gets a little taste - some more than others, but everybody gets a taste. This way, everybody gets a stake in it. It gets incredibly expensive to do it this way, and even when the system is broken it becomes incredibly hard to cancel, but everybody

You got it! The old version was too well understood and easy to manage for them.

One problem is that massive overruns and faked tests, not to mention rigged bidding and fraud, mark many major weapons programs. It's hard to distinguish this plan on such bases.

We've tried spending billions, maybe we should try spending..............millions?

What the fuck is that? No, seriously, what the fuck is it? I'm not expanding it to find out because I have an article to finish, and on top of that it looks scary.

Why do you want to see our great cities destroyed by the barbarians at our gates?

it's a feature not a bug... the idea is to get the project in the funding pipeline. then you can upgrade/downgrade/redesign to your heart's content... once approved, you can be assured it will never lose funding. especially if it's a project that blows shit up.


They are throwing it wrong.

You could apply that statement to nearly every government program ever enacted and not be wrong.

One of my favorite unintentionally funny products. When I see that proudly displayed on someone's cubicle, I know they are full of shit.

Ashley, The girl was photoshopped in. Here is the REAL picture!!

Will it float around my head incessantly shouting "Hey...Listen!"

Can't help but feel it won't be worth it. That is a disgusting amount of money - worth it perhaps if it establishes Destiny as a franchise on the level of Halo (which I assume is what they're banking on) but I can't help but feel they're going to really struggle to get close to those figures.

In other words; UPS just sentenced an innocent man to be placed on a US Government watch list.

I'd probably say 1/10 to 1/5 as effective, as in you need 50-100 of those guys to get rid of 10 western soldiers, but it's still 1/100 of the cost per individual, so your greater point stands.