You Mincing Ninny

Not really. Homosexuals can freely express their sexuality. Celibate priests are forbidden to engage in healthy sexual contact and continually put in positions of power over other people. Hardly a recipe for constraint. By expressly forbidding sex the Catholic Church creates situations of increased probability.

Yeah, nice christly move to take on their sin and ask for forgiveness, but we would like child rapists to spend a bunch of years in jail. That would be the step that's needed.

How about "NO."

Robin, this whole "both sides do it" argument is the last refuge of the truly dishonest. Find me a democrat who doesn't "believe" (WTF does that even mean?) in climate change. Find me one - bet its tough. Its not, on the other hand, hard to find a republican who believes the Earth is 5000 years old or that dinosaurs

Any congressman (or human for that matter) that believes evolution to be a "lie from the pit of hell" deserves to be dehumanized. Frankly, they deserve to be stoned to death.

Nope. I refuse. Nope. You can NOT play the "both sides do it" game when there is clearly ONE party that is more vocally anti-science than the other.

And there are good solid people on both sides of the aisle

When only the second torrent is porn you can say this was made to help the internet build a better world

Let's see if it doesnt die like the 3D TV fad

No, my feeling is that anything that attempts to limit the advance of human knowledge is a negative. Remember, your god decided to punish Adam and Eve for partaking of the fruit of the tree of forbidden knowledge. Your organizations can make all the penance they want but if your god is willing to punish humanity for

Do the math.

I love this! Churches being used to spread ideas and information instead of closemindedness and bigotry. Much more useful to society than their original purpose.

Ok, since I left the East Coast, I've wanted nothing to do with it, (except to visit all my old friends back in teh Tidwater area of Virginia) but now... A microbrewery in an old church... Well, now I just GOT to figure out an excuse to go back East and check this out...!

Very cool. The sooner that all churches get converted to libraries the better off humanity as a whole will be.

Now playing

"After we did [the first] experiments, the definition of 'dead' changed

We see nothing wrong with this plan whatsoever!

China Mieville's essay in "Evil Paradises" points out how these seasteads and space colonies tend to look like suburban Costa Mesa, California circa 1980, which to the libertarian mind is the pinnacle of human civilization. It's a cramped, dull suburbia among the stars, a middle-class boring white utopia without an