You Mincing Ninny

Judging from the color of her lips, it is a fair assumption to assume that her nipples and other "sensative" parts may not be green....

Please tell me there's a bumpy road and ragdoll physics so they can recreate this

FINALLY... honestly been waiting for a feature like this in a game for a loooong time.

So you've seen two of his films, bravo! Watch the others, none of which share that plot.

It's almost like there's some sort of connection, as if hey were created according to some sort of signature art-style.

This scene just makes me hungry every time I see it...

Ooh, don't forget "Lone gruff-looking Man walking towards you with his weapon drawn on a distorted background."

I like this one better...

That was the topic of my thesis!!!

Also very good visual tropes.

dirt goes here

Aha, but what if it only happens in the presence of bad EM (wifi, cellphones, anything else too new for me to understand) and chemtrails, eh? eh?

Mr. Hayden: "Remember, when it comes to the NSA's abilities, details matter: it is not about in what way it could be potentially used, but in what way it is actually used."

Welcome to military speak. The best part is all that wording is intentional. I've had the misfortune of being trapped in planning sessions where we spent a good 2-3 hours workshopping a one-sentence mission statement for a briefing that would be presented only once, and for a single general officer.

Ffft. Those are the baby ones! Okay, so these need more stars, flags, eagles, jet fighters, and gradients.

I want to play games and relax, being aware of my surroundings and able to talk to my friends looking them on their faces, drinking, joking and laughing without needing to stop the game so I can catch my goddamn breath.

Good luck, then. Because this shit is not the future I'm hoping for.

Why do they need droves in the first place????