Judging from the color of her lips, it is a fair assumption to assume that her nipples and other "sensative" parts may not be green....
Judging from the color of her lips, it is a fair assumption to assume that her nipples and other "sensative" parts may not be green....
FINALLY... honestly been waiting for a feature like this in a game for a loooong time.
So you've seen two of his films, bravo! Watch the others, none of which share that plot.
Welcome to military speak. The best part is all that wording is intentional. I've had the misfortune of being trapped in planning sessions where we spent a good 2-3 hours workshopping a one-sentence mission statement for a briefing that would be presented only once, and for a single general officer.
I agree. The hype is just ridiculous at this point. Made even worse by all the unrealistic scenerios with treadmills or a group of people swining a friend around in a hang gliding simulator. The former will be too expensive or take up too much space for most people and the latter will only happen rarely when you…
I want to play games and relax, being aware of my surroundings and able to talk to my friends looking them on their faces, drinking, joking and laughing without needing to stop the game so I can catch my goddamn breath.
Copy paste 'Motion Control' for 'VR' and this article is good to run again sometime in 2016.
Why do they need droves in the first place????
Can't help but feel it won't be worth it. That is a disgusting amount of money - worth it perhaps if it establishes Destiny as a franchise on the level of Halo (which I assume is what they're banking on) but I can't help but feel they're going to really struggle to get close to those figures.
Not really. Homosexuals can freely express their sexuality. Celibate priests are forbidden to engage in healthy sexual contact and continually put in positions of power over other people. Hardly a recipe for constraint. By expressly forbidding sex the Catholic Church creates situations of increased probability.
Yeah, nice christly move to take on their sin and ask for forgiveness, but we would like child rapists to spend a bunch of years in jail. That would be the step that's needed.